
Is RJ Hollingdale a good translator?

Is RJ Hollingdale a good translator?

Hollingdale’s translations are often mechanical and lacking in the very qualities that lead one to read Nietzsche in the first place. My translation of the Genealogy of Morals, if I may brag a little, is by far the best.

Which translation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Although this edition of “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” is based on Thomas Common’s 1909 translation, the text has been extensively modernized. Words such as “fain, hitherto, thee, wouldst, therefrom, nigh, ye and forsooth”, have been replaced with present-day English equivalents.

Who translated beyond good and evil?

This translation by Walter Kaufmann has become the standard one, for accuracy and fidelity to the eccentricities and grace of the style of the original. The translation is based on the only edition Nietzsche himself published, and all variant reading in later editions.

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Is beyond good and evil a good read?

Beyond Good and Evil is a great place to start for understanding Nietzsche the philosopher. I would recommend this specific edition. Penguin Classics is in general a safe bet for quality translations, good notes, and pretty books.

Which is the best translation of Beyond Good and Evil?

Luckily, though, there is a Kaufmann translation of Beyond Good and Evil. Kaufmann isn’t the most literal, word-for-word translator, but he best captures the spirit of the original German text. *The lone exception to this rule is Thus Spoke Zarathustra. For that, I recommend Graham Parkes’s excellent translation.

Does Nietzsche believe in morality?

According to Nietzsche, slave morality takes certain typical characteristics of the “lowest order” and master morality In slave morality, “good” means “tending to ease suffering” and “evil”means “tending to inspire fear.” Nietzsche believes that slave morality is expressed in the standard moral systems.

What did Nietzsche believe about God?

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Nietzsche believed that each man and woman should develop their own moral values and not rely on anything or anyone to tell them how to live. Nietzsche believed that we must overcome ourselves and become what he called the “ubermensch” meaning overman or superman.

Does Nietzsche believe in truth?

Overall, then: Nietzsche does not offer a clear positive articulation of what truth is, and is best known for his remarkable, critical attacks on how we understand and use the idea of truth, but does not offer reasons to think that he does not believe some claims are true and some are false.