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Is Sansa Stark smart?

Is Sansa Stark smart?

She’s smart, she’s resilient, she’s a survivor, and she’s the kind of hero who would make a great queen. “Many underestimated you. Most of them are dead now,” Tyrion Lannister said to Sansa in the Season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones.

How did Sansa become smart?

She was taught there by the best teachers in the business. Cersei taught her never to underestimate her enemies. She taught her how being underestimated can be used against other people. She taught her that family comes first and you shouldn’t trust anyone who’s not family.

Did Sansa Stark know Arya was alive in Game of Thrones?

At the end of HBO Game of Thrones season one Ned Stark gets his head chopped off and Arya disappears (heading to the wall and the Night’s Watch, as viewers were aware). But Sansa did not know her sister had been whisked away to head north, she didn’t even know if Arya was still alive.

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Why does Sansa Stark choose to leave her family?

Sansa learned not to trust anyone while she was in the south and yet she goes against the wishes of her family at the first moment opportunity presents itself. It’s a strange choice, especially after everything Sansa went through in the first seven seasons of the show.

Does Sansa deserve the Crown in Game of Thrones?

Sansa deserves the crown more than anyone else in Westeros. Sansa Stark has changed dramatically since we saw her in the first episode of Game of Thrones. She started the series young, naive and self-absorbed, and, in the final season, she has proven herself to be mature, level-headed, and strong.

Why was Sansa Stark never angry at Joffrey?

Later on in season two and beyond it was clear why Sansa had to agree with Joffrey and never show her true feelings but, after her betrothed demanded the murder of her dog, Lady, for no reason except pettiness, she was never really angry at him.

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