
Is season 4 of 13 Reasons Why any good?

Is season 4 of 13 Reasons Why any good?

Jun 8, 2020 | Rating: 5/10 | Full Review… Season 4 is a disaster that betrays 13 Reasons Why’s characters, its only remaining asset. The show has squandered any goodwill left over by its once-charming cast. Jun 5, 2020 | Rating: 2/5 | Full Review…

What is the point of 13 Reasons Why Season 4?

Season four of “13 Reasons Why” picks up months after the successful coverup of a classmate’s death. With the case closed, Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) and the rest of the ensemble involved in the murder must repress their underlying guilt while simultaneously attempting to enjoy their senior year of high school.

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Is Clay a schizophrenic season 4?

By the fourth and final season, Clay has a full mental breakdown as a result of a combination of troubling factors. Not only does he routinely have intense nightmares featuring the now-deceased Bryce and Monty, but he also hallucinates them during his waking hours.

Who messed with clay in Season 4?

At first, Clay turned around and believed that he was seeing Bryce. However, a few seconds later, it’s revealed that it is actually Diego. The rest of the football team joined him and they revealed that they have all been calling him by using an app that lets them hide their real number and replace it with another.

Why did clay and Ani break up?

She and Clay start the season off as a couple, but the two split after Clay’s secrets become too much for her to bear. After getting accepted into all of the colleges she applied to, Ani was offered Bryce’s college fund by Mrs. Walker. Ani declines the offer and instead donates the money to Liberty High’s HO group.

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Who was the person calling clay in Season 4?

However, a few seconds later, it’s revealed that it is actually Diego. The rest of the football team joined him and they revealed that they have all been calling him by using an app that lets them hide their real number and replace it with another.

Who died in ’13 reasons why’ Season 4?

Who died in season four of 13 Reasons Why? Unfortunately, it was Justin who ended up dying in the finale episode. Throughout the season, he had been struggling with his drug addiction after coming back from rehab. He ended up relapsing, but things took a turn for the worse this time.

Why do we have 4 different seasons?

We have 4 seasons because the Earth isn’t a pancake, but a ball. The Earth has seasons because as the planet revolves around the sun, the axis of the Earth changes in respects to the sun. Because the Earth is tilted at about a 23 degree angle, the surface of the Earth will sometimes be pointed directly towards the sun, or will be on a bit of a tilt.