Is so much so grammatically correct?

Is so much so grammatically correct?

You use so much so to indicate that your previous statement is true to a very great extent, and therefore it has the result mentioned.

What is the meaning of much loved?

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. used for describing someone or something that is loved, respected etc a lot or by many people. Lord Buckingham was a much loved and respected figure.

Which is correct I love you so much or I love you very much?

A final note: “I love you so much” is a common enough sentence, but using ‘so much’ to mean ‘very much’ is colloquial usage. Strictly speaking, ‘so much’ should be used in sentences like “I love you so much that I could hug you to death.”

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Is you are loved correct grammar?

First: “You are loved” is passive voice. Grammatically, it’s incorrect. “You are loved” implies that there’s some unknown or assumed “other” that is doing the loving.

What can I say instead of so much?

What is another word for so much?

much greatly
considerably decidedly
far appreciably
exceedingly incredibly
tremendously extensively

How do you say so much so?


  1. extremely.
  2. indefinitely.
  3. indeterminately.
  4. infinitely.
  5. remarkably.
  6. so large.
  7. so much.
  8. such.

How do you say so much love?


  1. devoted. adjective. loving someone very much.
  2. infatuated. adjective. in love with someone so much that it seems silly, especially because you do not know them very well.
  3. besotted. adjective.
  4. enamoured. adjective.
  5. doting. adjective.
  6. lovesick. adjective.
  7. mad about someone. phrase.
  8. head over heels. phrase.

What can I say instead of lots of love?

What is another word for lots of love?

xoxo xxx
hugs and kisses kisses
love love and hugs
love from

What is the reply of love you so much?

“I love you too,” is the common reciprocated answer to I love you, if you feel the same way (and for some, even if you don’t, but that’s a whole nother topic best left for relationships). In “I, too, love you.” The “too” as in also/as well is stressed.

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What is the meaning of I have loved you?

“I love you” describes your state of mind at the moment. “I have loved you” implies that I started to love you in the past and I still love you or it could mean I don’t love you now but you have to look at at the wider context.

Is “We Love You and Miss you So much” correct?

If you are speaking about someone who has died: “We loved her and we miss her so much.” The first phrase is past tense. The second phrase is present tense. If you are speaking or writing to someone who now lives far away and you want to express your feelings: “We love you and miss you so much.” Both phrases are present tense.

Is it whom I admire or whom do you admire?

Here, the correct answer is whom I admire. This is because we use whom to refer to the object of a preposition or verb. In this phrase, there is no preposition. However, there is a verb: admire. Whom is the object of this verb. In other words, whom receives the action of you admiring.

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How do you use whom I live with in a sentence?

Whom I live with or with whom I live are the correct ways to phrase this. The rule is that who refers to the subject of the sentence while whom refers to object of the verb and or the preposition. Here, we have the preposition with and the verb live. Both of these refer to the person you live with, not the subject of the sentence ( I ).

How do you know if whom is correct?

Since of is a preposition, whom is the correct pronoun to follow it. Another way you can confirm if whom is correct is to replace it with another pronoun like him, her, or them. If the sentence is still grammatically correct, then whom is correct.