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Is son Gohan the strongest?

Is son Gohan the strongest?

First appearing during the battle with Cell, Gohan was able to become the strongest fighter in the universe by even surpassing Cell and his father in terms of power and speed. This is the strongest form a child in the series was able to attain, with the exception of the fusion, Gotenks.

What ninja can beat Naruto?

Sasuke Uchiha is one of the strongest characters in the series right now and an equal to Naruto Uzumaki. With his Six Paths Yin powers and the Rinnegan, Sasuke appears to be unbeatable at times. Both Naruto and Sasuke have almost killed each other on several occasions throughout the story.

Can Recca beat Naruto?

Pre-Shippuden Naruto would have been bested by Recca because the latter can control the Dragons whereas Naruto wasn’t even close to controlling his Nine-Tailed Fox. Post-Shippuden Naruto, however, has evolved considerably; both in terms of hand-to-hand combat and special abilities. Recca wouldn’t stand a chance.

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Who would win in a fight Goku or the Flash?

Goku would definitely win. Goku can create another Big Bang by destroying the universe. (The Big Bang is Faster than the Flash because Flash only travels faster than Light.) Goku can easily increase his speed by training and also by using Kaio Ken and turning Super Saiyan.

What if Wally could beat Goku?

Wally and the rest of The Flash Family, (i.e. Jay, Jesse, and Max) are able to move in frozen time. This means that they’re all capable of moving at infinite speeds. And even if Goku somehow managed to match his speed, Wally could drain all of Goku’s kinetic energy, amplifying his speed even more.

Can the Flash beat Goku with a Kamehameha?

1st Misconception: ”The Flash isn’t as fast as Goku’s instant transmission, so Goku could just teleport behind him and hit him with a fully charged Kamehameha.” Yeah, no. For one, Barry and Wally are both able to react in the span of an attosecond, so they’d easily be able to avoid the Kamehameha. Even if it’s going multiple times the speed of li

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Is mastered Ultra Instinct Goku faster than the Flash?

3rd Misconception: Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku is faster than The Flash. Not true. Sure, Ultra Instinct Goku is probably billions of times faster than the speed of light, but The Flash utterly obliterates him in speed.