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Is Southern California a bad place to live?

Is Southern California a bad place to live?

The five-county Southern California metropolitan area was ranked as the 25th worst region to live in the nation — or the 101st best, depending on one’s perspective — by U.S. News & World Report. Last year, Southern California ranked No. 88 out of 100 metros tracked. The year before, 83rd.

What salary do you need to live in Southern California?

What is the True Cost of Living in LA? The website jumped in and did the math for us in their piece, “How Much Money You Need to Live Comfortably in the 50 Biggest Cities”. They calculated an annual income of $74,371 was about right for the average person to live comfortably in Los Angeles.

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What is Southern CA known for?

It is the third most populated megalopolis in the United States, after the Great Lakes Megalopolis and the Northeast Megalopolis. Much of southern California is famous for its large, spread-out, suburban communities and use of automobiles and highways.

What are the pros and cons of living in California?

It has 840 miles of coastline along the Pacific Ocean offering residents some of the best beaches, boating and fishing anywhere. California also has truly amazing mountains and world class ski resorts. Another huge advantage California has over other states is sunshine and weather that is truly warm.

What advantages does California have over other states?

Another huge advantage California has over other states is sunshine and weather that is truly warm. Many people move a 1000 miles or more for warm weather, but after it’s too late, they realize that where they moved actually has very little warm weather. Too often they traded their “too cold” problem for a “too hot” one.

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Is moving to California a good place to live?

Moving to California Pros and Cons – Best Places to Live Now! There’s a reason California is by far the most populated state in the United States. Overall, it’s simply one of the best states to live in. California is easily one of the most beautiful and scenic states in the nation.

Is California a bad state to live in?

Year after year, California’s is almost always rated as one of the 3 most expensive US states in which to live. This is often cited by people who move out of California, as one of the reasons. According to publicly available crime statistics published annually by the FBI, California has a higher overall crime rate than most other states.