
Is the data science course on Coursera good?

Is the data science course on Coursera good?

It starts slowly by explaining what is Data Science, what methodology and tools one uses, to go into data processing and data visualization, to finally arrive at machine learning. This is a great certificate to have on your resume, whether you’re just starting or you’ve done a bit of data science already.

What is the best course on Coursera for data science?

10 Best Data Science and Analysis Courses & Certifications on Coursera

  1. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate.
  2. Data Science Specialization by Johns Hopkins University.
  3. Modern Big Data Analysis with SQL.
  4. Introduction to Data Analytics for Business.
  5. COVID19 Data Analysis Using Python.

What’s the best data science course on Coursera?

Most Popular Data Science Courses of 2019

  • Introduction to Data Science in Python.
  • Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization.
  • Python for Data Science, AI & Development.
  • Convolutional Neural Networks.
  • SQL for Data Science.
  • Structuring Machine Learning Projects.
  • Sequence Models.
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Why Coursera data science specialization is the best for You?

Every Data Science specialization course by Coursera is designed meticulously to train students for a better career. To make it easier we’ve listed only the best course on Coursera for Data Science.

What are the advantages of Coursera online degrees?

One major advantage to an online degree with Coursera is that you can expect to pay a fraction of the price. At the moment, Coursera offers online Master’s degrees in Business, Computer Science, Data Science, and Public Health, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Arts and Sciences from the University of North Texas.

How much does Coursera plus cost?

Coursera Plus subscription vs specialization subscriptions You may be weighing up whether Coursera Plus is better value than enrolling in individual specializations. As I mentioned above, specializations range in cost from $39-$79 a month and takes three months to complete on average.

What do you learn in data science?

Data science Specializations and courses teach the fundamentals of interpreting data, performing analyses, and understanding and communicating actionable insights. Topics of study for beginning and advanced learners include qualitative and quantitative data analysis, tools and methods for data manipulation, and machine learning algorithms.