
Is the Dragonball universe a macrocosm?

Is the Dragonball universe a macrocosm?

Universe: one of the twelve universes that exists with the Dragon World; the majority of each universe is set within a crystalline sphere that we will refer to as a “macrocosm”, with a separate Kaiōshin Realm that revolves around the macrocosm like a moon.

Is Dragon Ball set on earth?

Earth ( 地 ち 球 きゅう , Chikyū), also called the Dragon World (ドラゴンワールド, Dragon World), is a planet inhabited by mainly Earthlings but other races and species also reside on this planet. It is the home of the Dragon Team and the main setting for the entire Dragon Ball series.

Is Goku a multiverse?

Son Goku (孫 悟空, Son Gokū), born Kakarotto (カカロット, Kakarotto), is a Saiyan from Universe 18 and for many decades has been regarded as Earth’s savior. In Dragon Ball Multiverse, his universe is designated Universe 18.

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Was Goku going to destroy the macrocosm?

So we can indeed conclude that Beerus and Goku were going to destroy a macrocosm bigger than 2 universes with an orbiting dimension about 1/5 the size of the living universe. ANd of course Beerus also nullifies this all to without even using full power.

Is Dragon Ball set in China?

The purpose behind all these Chinese references isn’t to locate the story specifically in China but rather to create a distinct aesthetic for Dragon Ball. According to Toriyama’s notes for volume 1 of the manga: “The setting of Dragon Ball has a sort of Chinese feel to it, but it’s not necessarily China.

What is Universe 7’s macrocosm?

Macrocosm: a giant sphere that is divided up into an afterlife and living world. Strictly speaking only the composition of Universe 7’s macrocosm is known in detail, so the following only applies to Universe 7. Living World: the lower half of the macrocosm; it is divided up into outer space and the Demon Realm.

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What is the macrocosm in Chōzenshū?

The “World” section in Chōzenshū 4 describes Goku and co.’s universe as a huge sphere, presumably referring to the macrocosm, saying that this universe is just one of twelve. This would seem to imply that each of the twelve universes are comprised of a similar, or nearly identical, macrocosm as described above.

Why did Toriyama draw the macrocosm map?

Toriyama first drew this map as a reference for the animation staff, and in fact his design of the macrocosm can be seen a bit during the Afterlife Tournament filler arc of the Dragon Ball Z TV series. He later revised the map for its inclusion in Daizenshuu 4, adding in the Kaiōshin Realm.

What is the shape of the Dragon Ball universe?

This world has a spherical shape overall, and what’s more, according to the God of Destruction Beerus this vast universe itself is one of twelve; it is said that the universe where Goku and the gang have their adventures is classified as “Universe 7”. — “Dragon Ball Chōzenshū 4: Super Encyclopedia” (p. 34)

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