
Is the ending of Endgame sad?

Is the ending of Endgame sad?

“Endgame” is an emotional experience the first time you see it. If you’ve been watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the past decade, you were probably left with puffy red eyes by the film’s end. Some of them brought us tears of joy, including one unexpected roundup during the film’s final hour.

How many endings does Endgame have?

Despite what Mark Ruffalo claimed, co-director Joe Russo says there’s only one ending to Avengers: Endgame. Prior to the film’s release, Ruffalo claimed to have shot five different endings to the movie. At the time, he also said that his script had some fake scenes in it, while others were missing entirely.

How many apocalypses does ‘endgame’ gloss over?

This also means that Endgame glosses over what amounts to two apocalypses. The first is Thanos’s Infinity War dusting, which Endgame mostly suggests has amounted to piled-up garbage and the dissolution of the New York Mets.

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What happens when you change the past in Endgame?

Endgame says that if you change the past, you create a new parallel universe that branches off from the moment you changed said past — but when you travel into the future, you return to your original future, not the new one created by the changes you made in the past. This is complicated.

What happens to the Infinity Stones at the end of endgame?

At the end of Endgame, Steve Rogers is tasked with returning each of the Infinity Stones to their respective timelines.

What happened to Thanos in the Avengers?

A Thanos from 2014 traveled forward to 2023, with the help of 2014 Nebula (who took the place of 2023 Nebula), then blew up Avengers HQ. There is a huge fight scene that encompasses much of the movie’s final 45 minutes, which includes every Avenger introduced so far, a bunch of side characters, and even Pepper Potts in full Iron Man regalia.