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Is there a DC equivalent to the Infinity Stones?

Is there a DC equivalent to the Infinity Stones?

A power equivalent- The Emotional Spectrum Power Rings. In the sense of a collection of items with similar power, the DC version of Infinity Stones would be The Emotional Spectrum Power Rings. People who feel a great deal of range can use the red ring and tap into the red light.

Which Marvel characters can hold Infinity Stones?

A history of Marvel comics heroes who’ve dared to wield the Infinity Gauntlet

  • Thanos. Obviously, Thanos created the Infinity Gauntlet, so he’s the first person to ever wield its power and, arguably, the one who wore it best.
  • Nebula.
  • Adam Warlock.
  • Mister Fantastic (sort of)
  • Iron Man.
  • Captain America.
  • Gamora.
  • Loki.
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Can Infinity Stones be used in other universes?

The Infinity Stones in Marvel comics are actually called Infinity Gems. The Infinity Gems do not work outside of the Universe from which they originate.

Do the Infinity Stones only work in one universe?

But the most important detail you need to know is that the Infinity Stones only work in the universe they came from. That hasn’t mattered so far in the one-universe MCU, but as Marvel prepares to explore the Multiverse, it’s going to matter a lot.

What is the significance of the Infinity Stones in the MCU?

The Infinity Stones have played a significant role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and are responsible for giving multiple heroes their powers. Here is every hero from the Marvel Cinematic Universe who got their powers from an Infinity Stone.

What are the DC equivalent of the Infinity Stones?

Now reality stone which can warp reality. Powe Stone which basically make anyone very very powerful and strong. It does exactly same thing. Time stone which basically means time travel. Soul Stone which basically control anyone or anything’s soul. So there you go, that’s your DC counterpart of Infinity stones.

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Are these the last Avengers to get powers from the Infinity Stones?

Since the Infinity Stones were destroyed by Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, it appears Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Vision might be the last heroes to get powers from them.

Who is the first person to gain powers from an Infinity Stone?

Captain Marvel Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) is one of the newest characters to join the MCU, but chronologically she is the first person to gain powers from an Infinity Stone. Back when she was a pilot for the Air Force, she flew a dangerous mission for Wendy Lawson aka Mar-Vell in 1989 to take her to her secret base in space.