Is there a PHP Version 6?

Is there a PHP Version 6?

First and foremost, PHP 6 already existed and it was something completely different. While it’s true that the other PHP 6 never reached General Availability, it was still a very widely published and well-known project conducted by php.net that will share absolutely nothing with the version that is under discussion now.

Why PHP 6 does not exist?

Why is there no PHP 6? The main reason for not having a PHP 6 version is, in fact, a well-intended cover-up. There have been attempts at making a PHP 6 release in as early as 2005, which would feature UTF8/Unicode support (at last!). But those efforts never succeeded.

What PHP version is current?


Developer The PHP Development Team, Zend Technologies
First appeared June 8, 1995
Stable release 8.1.0 / 25 November 2021
Preview release 8.1.0 RC6 / 11 November 2021
Major implementations
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Is PHP end of life?

Each release branch of PHP is fully supported for two years from its initial stable release. During this period, bugs and security issues that have been reported are fixed and are released in regular point releases.

Is PHP 5.6 still supported?

No. The developers of PHP are no longer supporting PHP 5.6. There will not be any more security updates to PHP 5.6, there will not be any more bug fixes to PHP 5.6. You should not use PHP 5.6 (or any version of PHP 5) in a production environment.

When did PHP 5.6 come out?

August 28, 2014
PHP 5.6 Release Date and EOL 0 was released on August 28, 2014, and the last version community supported version, 5.6. 40, was released January 10, 2019. Zend by Perforce provides extended LTS support for 5.6 through at least December 2023.

Is PHP 7.3 Obsolete?

The reason why this function has been deprecated and it will be definitely deleted in the future version of PHP is that there is already a function that has exactly the same functionality.

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Is PHP 7.2 still supported?

PHP 7.2 goes end of life (EOL) on the 30th November 2020 meaning known security flaws will no longer be fixed and sites are exposed to significant security vulnerabilities. It is important to update them to a newer version. We would recommend updating to either: 7.3 supported until 06 December 2021.

What is PHP and MySQL?

PHP is a fast and feature-rich open source scripting language used to develop Web Applications or Internet / Intranet Applications. MySQL is a powerful open source database server built based on a relational database management system (RDBMS) and is capable of handling a large concurrent database connection.

What is the where clause in phpphp?

PHP | MySQL WHERE Clause. The WHERE Clause is used to filter only those records that are fulfilled by a specific condition given by the user. in other words, the SQL WHERE clause is used to restrict the number of rows affected by a SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE query. Syntax : The basic syntax of the where clause is – SELECT Column1 , Column2 ,…

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What are the PHP operators used for?

The PHP increment operators are used to increment a variable’s value. The PHP decrement operators are used to decrement a variable’s value. The PHP logical operators are used to combine conditional statements. ! PHP has two operators that are specially designed for strings.

What is return value in PHP?

Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on if $x is less than, equal to, or greater than $y. Introduced in PHP 7.