
Is there a way to rearrange Instagram feed?

Is there a way to rearrange Instagram feed?

Want to switch it up, swap out a photo, or rearrange photos to get the right look and feel for your feed? Just tap on your post in grid view, drag and drop your scheduled posts, and press save when you’re done!

How do you customize your Instagram feed?

How to Create Custom Instagram Feeds

  1. Discover how you can create custom Instagram feeds.
  2. Create a Mashfeed account.
  3. Tap + to create a feed.
  4. Enter a name for your feed.
  5. Connect your Instagram account with Mashfeed.
  6. Tap the username of the account you want to add.
  7. Tap Home to see all of your feeds.

How do I rearrange the Order of my photos on Instagram?

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Select the “View Grid” option (iOS) or “Preview” option (Android) To rearrange the order of the photos, press down on one of the photos to enter edit mode Drag and drop your photos from left to right or top to bottom to rearrange the look of your feed

How do I change the look of my Instagram feed?

Want to switch it up, swap out a photo, or rearrange photos to get the right look and feel for your feed? Just tap on your post in grid view, drag and drop your scheduled posts, and press save when you’re done! Looking for tips on how to design your Instagram feed?

How to design your Instagram feed with drag and drop?

How to Design Your Instagram Feed with Drag and Drop on Mobile: To access the new Instagram planning features, update your iOS app or Android app and follow the steps below or check out our help guide here. Go to the “Schedule” tab and select your Instagram account from the top menu. Select the “View Grid” option (iOS) or “Preview” option (Android)

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How can I preview my Instagram feed in advance?

Plan and preview your Instagram feed in advance with Later for free! Sign up and start creating your perfect Instagram aesthetic today: Once you’ve decided on your Instagram aesthetic, you can start creating and curating content that aligns with it.