
Is there annual fee for Payoneer?

Is there annual fee for Payoneer?

It’s free. It’s the Payoneer MasterCard that costs you $30 or so yearly! If you have purchased Payoneer MasterCard and don’t use it. It will cost you $30 per year until it expires.

What is the charges of Payoneer card?

Costs associated with Payoneer debit card

Item Price (USD) Unit
Card activation $12.95 per card
Card activation – Listed countries $24.95 per card
Loading Payments – Immediate (within 2 hours) $3.00 per load
Monthly card account maintenance $3.00 0-4 trx/month

How can I avoid Payoneer fees?

Payoneer Account Fees/ Monthly Maintenance Fees

  1. Services such as the mobile/ desktop application, live chat and e-mail support are completely free of charge.
  2. For a full list of fees associated with your account, simply login to Payoneer. Select “Help” from the navigation menu and then “Pricing and Fees.”
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Is Payoneer Card debit card?

Actually Payoneer is a Dabit Card and it’s facilities as debit card. Basically, Payoneer is a MasterCard. You could be able to use as Debit Card. Called Prepaid MasterCard is a debit card that has a prepaid limit and can be used in most places that MasterCard is accepted.

Does Payoneer have monthly fees?

There’s no account setup fee and no monthly account fee. You will have to pay an annual fee of $29.95 for your Payoneer Mastercard debit card, but this can be waived in some cases.

Can I cancel my Payoneer card?

If you want to cancel your Payoneer account permanently, do the following. First, make sure all the remaining funds are withdrawn from your Payoneer account. Also, make sure there is no fund in the Payoneer card. Once done, contact Payoneer support for assistance in canceling your account.

How can I use my Payoneer card for free?

To apply for a Payoneer Account, simply log in to your online account with your Payoneer mass payout company, select Payoneer as your payment method, and you will be directed to an application page.

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Is there a monthly fee for Payoneer card?

As for monthly fees… When you apply directly from Payoneer website, the only fee associated to the card maintenance wise is $29.95 annual (yearly) fee. Anyone who pays a monthly fee for the service most likely created their Payoneer account through a company that has a working relationship with Payoneer.

How much does it cost to keep my Payoneer account active?

If your account is active, you’ll never pay this fee. If you keep your account open for 12 months without making a transaction in your Payoneer account or on your Payoneer card, you’ll be charged a $29.95 fee.

Can I withdraw funds from Payoneer to my bank account?

You can withdraw funds to bank accounts in most currencies and enjoy competitive rates from Payoneer. Note: Bank processing fees, landing fees, or other intermediary fees may be deducted from the withdrawn amount by your bank or any other payment provider not directly associated with Payoneer.

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Can I also pay other people with Payoneer?

No problem! You can also: Millions of suppliers, freelancers, and other contractors get paid with Payoneer. You can pay any of them via credit card, ACH bank debit (US only), or local bank transfer and enjoy competitively low rates. Note: Payment method may vary by country (for details see our FAQ ).
