
Is there anything a lightsaber cant cut through?

Is there anything a lightsaber cant cut through?

According to the Expanded Universe sources, Lightsabers can cut through (by implication, effortlessly) anything except various “special” materials and energy manifestations (force fields and other lightsabers).

Would a lightsaber make you bleed?

One important note about lightsaber wounds was that they rarely bled profusely, even when a limb had been severed. This was because the energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily.

Does a lightsaber cut or melt?

In the Star Wars universe, the lightsaber is considered one of the most powerful weapons, capable of cutting through almost everything with just a handful of exceptions. In the movies, it can be seen cutting blast doors and melting steel.

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Can lightsabers cut through anything?

According to the Expanded Universe sources, Lightsabers can cut through (by implication, effortlessly) anything except various “special” materials and energy manifestations (force fields and other lightsabers). Only that’s not what we see in the movies.

Are Jedi lightsabers inextricably interconnected?

Even the official Star Warswebsite says that the Jedi and their lightsabers were inextricably intertwined: Although use of the lightsaber is the mark of a Jedi, it is also used by their sworn enemies, the Sith. Typically, a Jedi’s lightsaber blade is colored green or blue.

What are lightsabers blocking materials in Star Wars Legends?

One of the most famous lightsaber-blocking materials in Star Wars Legends, cortosis is notoriously rare and difficult to mine for effective use. Nevertheless, cortosis is used throughout Legends as a measure against Jedi and Sith. Depending on its refinement, cortosis can have two different effects on lightsabers.

How effective is a lightsaber as a weapon of Defense?

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While a gun is an effective weapon for defense, it really shines on the attack. A lightsaber, on the other hand, is a perfect defensive weapon and a moderate-to-poor assault weapon. If you are ten meters from a Jedi armed with a lightsaber, you are relatively safe from attack…unless you start shooting.