
Is wolf a good animal?

Is wolf a good animal?

Wolves are considered both an apex predator and a keystone species. This means they are at the top of the food chain with no natural other animals that prey upon them for food. Their reputation as dangerous animals or creatures that kill for enjoyment is simply inaccurate.

Can a dog take on a wolf?

Yes, but only trained dogs and it’s still a very hard task. Althoug some breeds are phisically stronger than wolves, dogs are in general fearful of wolves. Even dogs who will fight much larger animals like a lion or a bear will still in general be intimidated by a wolf.

Can you befriend wolves?

No one should become friends with wild wolves. Wild wolves (or any wild animals) that become to habituated to people are almost always killed, either because they’ve become a dangerous nuisance, or very easy targets. To become friends with a captive wolf, it really depends on you and the wolf.

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What happens if you turn into a wolf while transforming?

Make sure to not get too mad at someone, it happens you will kill or hurt him/her while transforming! You will then turn into an wolf and hurt him/her! But this only happens for 5 seconds of being in wolf form, when calming down, you will turn back to normal, make sure people are then not around you. 3.

How do you turn into a werewolf?

It happens that your body starts to hurt, your legs, your arms, but KEEP DOING! Don’t stop thinking about that and let it transform! When your body is in pain, it means, you are transforming! After that, you will slowly turn into an werewolf, but your body will still hurt. Here are some SIDE AFFECTS; Now this is the HARD part!

How do I get my wolf form back?

Concentrate and think and focus on your dreams of your wolf form. Atleast do this 30 minutes of dreaming of that. Sometimes it happens that you finally feel fur over yourself, the best thing to do is try to feel fur on your **** (sorry) or atleast on your ears. And then, when you dream of it enough .. enough ..

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What is the best way to learn how to howl werewolves?

Okay, you have to do this at night, in any moon, but the best one is doing on FULL MOON. In full moon it works better, now here’s the steps; 1. Think of being an wolf/werewolf and focus and concentrate on it. Think just about wolves, how they are, how they howl .. 2. Focus on what you’re thinking!