Tips and tricks

Should I always lock my door?

Should I always lock my door?

Why should I lock my doors? The harder you make it for a burglar to enter, the less likely a break-in will occur. When you decide to keep your home locked up at all times, you are making a strong effort to protect your family, self, valuables, and privacy.

Why do people keep their door unlocked?

The vast majority of Americans don’t leave their doors unlocked. The reason why is because our homes have all of our prized possessions besides our money and cars. There are a lot of people who want to steal those possessions from homes that are unlocked. So, people lock their homes to protect their possessions.

Should you lock your house?

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Whether you’re considering leaving your door open at night or weighing up your options, we highly recommend that your do lock your house at night. Even if you feel safe enough to leave it open. No matter where you live, locking your door undeniably increases your protection and makes intruders less likely to enter.

Where do people leave their doors unlocked?

According to a new survey by, based on responses from over 1,000 Americans, people in certain regions of the country are more prone to leave their doors unlocked than others: In the northwest and the northeast, residents only lock their doors 54\% and 58\% of the time, respectively, compared to …

How safe are front doors?

Research from Home Security Store reveals that 34\% of burglaries occur through the front door, which is often pushed or kicked open. Back doors are also an easy entry point, as well as windows.

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Do you lock your front door when you leave the House?

Makes a tighter seal with the weathstripping when the deadbolt is locked, for when the AC or heat is running. We don’t use the front door much anyway, usually going out the attached garage instead, so it’s easier to just leave it locked. Always locked overnight or when leaving the house, regardless.

Is it safe to leave your doors unlocked all day?

So it’s not necessarily unsafe to leave your doors unlocked. It can however, be unwise to do so. It depends entirely on where you live and your comfort zone. When I was a child our doors were never locked. In the summer only the screen door was closed.

Is it unwise to leave your door unlocked after a breakup?

It’s unwise, for example, to leave your door unlocked following a relationship breakup or a divorce.

Do you need a smart lock for your door?

Think about the possible scenarios born of forgetting to teach a house guest or the babysitter how to open your door, which has a daunting mechanism that looks more like a safe handle or smart speaker and nothing like an actual doorknob. Regular door locks don’t require software updates or battery replacement. Many smart locks do.