
Should I be embarrassed about gingivitis?

Should I be embarrassed about gingivitis?

If you have bad breath, obvious signs of decay, or gum disease, then you may be too embarrassed to talk to your dentist. The bad news is that this is only going to lead to your oral health getting worse. Your dental issues will get worse and they will cost more to fix.

Can a 15 year old have periodontitis?

Periodontitis is not common in teens, but it can happen. If it’s not treated, it can cause real trouble for your teeth.

How bad is not brushing your teeth?

If you don’t brush your teeth you get plaque which breaks down your tooth enamel. This will cause bad breath and eventually can cause major problems and require things like crowns and root canals. Gum disease. Also known as periodontal disease, this occurs when the bacteria in plaque cause swollen and bleeding gums.

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What is the direct cause of gum disease?

Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It’s typically caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to build up on the teeth and harden.

Can I be put to sleep for dental work?

This could make simple procedures like taking dental impressions unbearable. Sleep dentistry options like oral sedatives, nitrous oxide and intravenous drugs can help one to relax during treatment. The medication will paralyze the gagging response for a period.

Does gingivitis hurt?

Because gingivitis usually doesn’t cause pain, many people delay treatment. If not treated, gum disease can cause more serious problems with the gum tissue. Periodontitis is severe gum disease and is caused by long-term infection of the gums, bone, and other tissues that surround and support the teeth.

Is gingivitis curable?

The good news is that gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease and can be cured by practicing good oral hygiene. It’s also important that you schedule routine dental cleanings so we can remove plaque and tartar buildup.

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Can gingivitis make you sick?

In the early stage of gum disease—called gingivitis—signs such as bleeding gums and slight gum recession are ignored. However, if not addressed in the early stages, it is possible to experience swollen gums that are constantly tender, chills, fever, and a runny nose.

Can you have gingivitis and not know it?

You may be right about the health of your gums, but you could also have gingivitis and not show any symptoms at all. That’s one reason regular checkups are so important, so you can catch gum disease before you have any perceptible effects. Some symptoms to look out for when they do show are:

What causes gingivitis and what causes it?

Gingivitis is caused by the following factors: Gingivitis is your body’s inflammatory system’s response to bacteria in an area of the mouth where it should not be. Bacterial plaque easily congregates at the gum lines of the teeth and may extend to areas under the gums as well as between the teeth.

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What’s wrong with my gums?

And most often, that “something wrong” is gingivitis. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection that can cause inflammation and bleeding in your gums, and it’s probably a lot more common than you realize.

What are the early stages of gum infections?

The early stages of gum infections are known as gingivitis, but as the infection becomes more severe it can lead to periodontal disease (gum disease), bone loss and tooth loss. It is estimated that up to 90\% of adults in the U.S. suffer from some form of gingivitis.