Should I bring up the past with my girlfriend?

Should I bring up the past with my girlfriend?

It’s best not to dwell on the past openly, if you’re gonna dwell at least do it alone and don’t bring it up to her bc it seems like when you do bring it up to her, you make her cry. I know it’s not intentional, bc again I did the same thing.

Is it easy to deal with your partner’s sexual past?

No one’s going to say that it’s easy to deal with your partner’s sexual past, especially if it’s more colorful than your own. If you’re finding it difficult to get past the jealousy, you’re not alone.

How can I make my wife feel less guilty of cheating?

Don’t do the three some. Once you willingly bring in a third party into a marriage, it will ease her guilt of having the affair. You need to get yourself tested for STDs and HIV and then decide whether or not you want to be married to her.

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Why is my boyfriend telling me about his past?

If they’re telling you about it, it’s probably because they care enough about you to be upfront. Remember that. They’re being honest, which gives you license to be honest about your feelings about it. Just try to be aware of when you’re sharing your feelings and when you’re irrationally blaming your partner for hurting you with their past behavior.


How can I Fix my Girlfriend’s past?

Your girlfriend cannot “fix” this problem for you—no one can, except you. You are your own salvation here. It just takes a bit of time, reflection, soul-searching, and vulnerability on your part. Simply put: it takes a bit of work. Which leads us to… Step 2) Stop talking about your girlfriend’s past (for the most part).

How do I stop hating my Girlfriend for her past?

Thinking “I hate my girlfriend for her past”, is not a solution. Either you can deal with this and move forward. Or you can’t, in which case you owe it to her to end the relationship so she can find another man who feels differently. Nothing wrong with either one of those choices.

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Should I punish my girlfriend for her past?

If you need a bit of time and space to reflect and process what you’re feeling, by all means, take it. But don’t “punish” your girlfriend for her past while you do so. I used to do this, and it remains one of the more shameful episodes from my own past.

What happens when you date the wrong person?

“Dating the wrong person can drive up your anxiety and self-doubt,” she said. “The right relationship, on the other hand, drives up our confidence and satisfaction: we feel encouraged to strive to be our best selves but loved and accepted for who we are.

Are you not as good of a partner as you think?

Here are some signs you may not be as good of a partner as you think you are, and how your actions could affect your relationship. You can’t help but point out all the little things your partner says or does “wrong.” Being critical about inconsequential things shows insecurity, not love.

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Why did she say he is shaming her for her past?

She said he is “shaming” for her past because he can’t handle it. He says, in passive voice which is usually a way to dodge responsibility, “I got over it then the other night it got brought up, and she now told me im her 8th and she miscounted last time.. So I kept pushing it saying am I really your 8th or is it gonna go up again.