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Should I comment on a Facebook post?

Should I comment on a Facebook post?

Why is Facebook commenting and replying are so important? Commenting and replying on your own Facebook posts are a great way to build a more active connection with your audience and strengthen your presence on Facebook. Replying to comments on your Facebook post encourages people to comment more and start a discussion.

How do you help someone you don’t agree with?

Here’s how she and others suggest doing it better.

  1. Decide if you want to go there.
  2. Ask if you can ask about it.
  3. Keep it neutral.
  4. Start off the conversation with understanding.
  5. Look for where you agree.
  6. Talk less.
  7. Avoid using the word ‘but’
  8. Tell stories.

How do I make my Facebook friends only comment?

Go to the public post on your profile that you want to change who can comment on it. Click the three-dot menu icon in the top right of the post. Click Who can comment on your post? Select who is allowed to comment on your public post from any of the three audiences listed above.

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How do you respectfully disagree in writing?

5 Ways to (Respectfully) Disagree

  1. Don’t make it personal.
  2. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.
  3. Use “I” statements to communicate how you feel, what you think, and what you want or need.
  4. Listen to the other point of view.
  5. Stay calm.

Should you reply to Facebook comments?

When a person takes the time to comment on your post, it’s always a wise idea to reply to that comment. It makes that person feel important — and it shows the rest of your fans that you take their comments seriously. Also, by replying you can often get the person to comment again, which boosts the post’s reach.

Should you reply to comments on your post?

Replying to comments left on your Instagram posts serves more than just the purpose of being courteous. Replying to comments can also help more people discover your page, attract buying advertisers, and incentivize more people to engage with your content.

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Can I restrict comments on Facebook?

Facebook users can now restrict comments on their public posts. This can either be done at the account level or on individual posts. “By adjusting your commenting audience, you can further control how you want to invite conversation onto your public posts and limit potentially unwanted interactions.

Can you stop people from commenting on your posts on Facebook?

As opposed to other extrac Y.ou cannot actually stop a few people from commenting on your post but you can exclude them from seeing the post itself (so that won’t be able to comment too) . Facebook won’t let me post a status, like, or comment.

Is the word “to” allowed on Facebook comments?

Well, now “to” is officially a forbidden word on our Facebook comments. Which means that if we make a posand someone comments on it using the word “To”… This comment would only appear to them, and to their personal friends. Any other page visitor would see nothing at all.

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Why can’t I block someone on Facebook?

The answer to your question, which everyone else appears to be avoiding, is that you can’t. At least not anymore. Many Facebook users are in the same situation. They have an old friend or family member, whom they don’t want to block, who keeps posting dumb or embarrassing comments in response to their posts.

How do I exclude people from seeing my posts on Facebook?

If you have friend connections with some that you must have but don’t want them to see certain posts, create a custom audience which includes some and restricts those who you want to exclude from seeing. Then, each post you wish to exclude from seeing/commenting should be set to this custom audience.