Tips and tricks

Should I participate in hackathon?

Should I participate in hackathon?

Hackathons offer the chance for people in the same industry to come together and learn from each other’s successes and failures. Professionals get to meet and collaborate, solve problems, share skills and help build better products.

Can you prepare for a hackathon?

Yes, it takes a lot of work to win a hackathon, but you shouldn’t be scared or intimidated by joining if you’re a newbie. As long as you come prepared and remember to have fun, you can’t go wrong.

Where do you put hackathon on resume?

Add your hackathon project under a “Projects” section in your resume. Depending on what you want to highlight, this can go on the top or bottom of your resume. If you have solid and relevant internship experience, we also recommend placing your project experience towards the bottom of your resume as well.

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What programming language should I know to start participating in hackathons?

There is no particular language that one must know to start participating in hackathons. Having knowledge of any language that may help you make a product is sufficient enough. Although, using frameworks help you create the product faster.

What are hackathons and why are they Awesome?

There are three big reasons hackathons are awesome. 1. Hackathons are for learning You’ll gain more practical knowledge in one hackathon than you learn in a month of lectures. People say this all the time. Hackathons are a super-condensed learning experience.

How long does it take to complete a hackathon?

Hackathons aren’t really about winning prizes. They’re about playing with awesome technology. You’ll be able to spend a full 24–36 hours working on your project if you want to. Some crazy people do just that!

Who can take part in a hackathon?

The good news is that everyone can take part in a hackathon – as successful teams need to have several perspectives represented, and a variety of professionals on board. Here are some of the options: Subject matter experts (ex. law for legal tech, teaching professional for ed-tech etc.)