Should married people be friends with exes?

Should married people be friends with exes?

The truth is, marriage shouldn’t be the dealbreaker. If you had a healthy friendship with your ex when you were in a serious relationship, the fact that you’re saying vows shouldn’t change that. It’s less to do with your marital status and more to do with the individual situation—the ex, your partner, and you.

Can you be friends with your partner’s ex?

Being friends with a partner’s ex may feel awkward, stressful or even annoying – but know it is possible, and especially so if both partners are fully moved on and there are no romantic feelings involved. If the friendships are mutually authentic – great!

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Is being friends with your ex a red flag?

Yes it can be a red flag of sorts, I know others might disagree. I will go into detail with a few qualifications. There is actually no need to be friends with an ex most of the time not to say there has to be animosity but it actually doesn’t serve much of a purpose in most situations.

Is it weird to be friends with your husband’s ex?

Others think that there might be too much resentment, too much jealousy and too many feelings of being scorned to ever have a friendship work out between the two of you. According to a poll conducted by NBC, 48 percent of those surveyed say that they managed to remain friends with their exes after their break up.

Do your friends get along with your ex when you breakup?

If your friends are going to stay close to your ex, it ‘ s likely you ‘ ll be seeing them around every now and then, so you need to keep things cordial. The best way to do this is to have the most drama-free breakup you can manage. Resist the urge to get angry, nitpick their every flaw or bad-mouth them to your friends.

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Should you be wary if your ex husband wants to be friends?

That’s why you should be wary if your ex husband wants to be friends. When my marriage ended, I felt a lot of pressure to maintain a friendship with my ex and found out over time that it wasn’t practical or in the best interests of myself or my children.

Should you be friends with your ex-spouse after divorce?

Children benefit from parents who are collaborative but not necessarily close friends post-divorce. You need energy to “take care of yourself” and to form new relationships. Maintaining a close friendship with an ex (especially if it’s emotionally or physically intimate) can delay this process.

How do you deal with an ex who is dating someone else?

You just need to be able to treat your ex the way you would treat your friends, and work on deepening the complicity between you. You’ll see something very interesting begin to happen because this is when you become an actual threat to his or her new relationship.