Tips and tricks

Should we make vision current affairs notes?

Should we make vision current affairs notes?

No, there is no need for you to make notes out of vision ias current affairs magazine. They are already very concise. Rather do litle bit of your own research on the topics already covered in vision magazine and make notes out of that! Revise them 4 times before the final exam!

Is coaching notes are enough for UPSC?

UPSC only expects candidates to have a generalist understanding of a wide range of topics. So if you have the material with you and can study on your own, you will be able to understand the subject and hence GS coaching isn’t really necessary.

Which is better GS materials or Vision IAS?

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If you are asking about just the GS materials than the GS materials can be divided into two – Classroom notes: The class room notes of vajiram and Ravi are better than vision IAS .. Few teachers are better there. In vision IAS the notes of subjects such as geography, modern indian history and world history are not at all good .

Which is the best book for IAS preparation for toppers?

Best Books for IAS Preparation by IAS Toppers 1 Indian Polity by Laxmikanth 2 An Introduction to the Constitution of India by D. D. Basu 3 The Constitution of India by P. M. Bakshi 4 Old NCERT books for Indian Polity

Which is the best book for GS in IAS?

It helps a lot in answering GS answers as it covers current data and static portion as well. Mains 365 series from vision IAS covers all subjects holistically and has been beneficial for aspirants. Vajiram and Ravi- provides printed notes and topper’s notes for GS (their famous yellow books). Classnotes for geography optional are also good.

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Which is better Vajiram or Vision IAS?

However, if taken into consideration of all the subjects on average the class room handwritten notes of vajiram are better than vision IAS. Printed notes- in this part however according to me, vision printed materials are better than vajiram’s.