Should you hash password before sending to server?

Should you hash password before sending to server?

It should be irreversibly hashed before leaving the client as there is no need for the server to know the actual password. Hashing then transmitting solves security issues for lazy users that use the same password in multiple locations (I know I do).

Should I hash server side or client side?

The password has to be hashed on the server side. If you hash the password on the client on the server side and send the hashed password to the server, then the hashed password is the thing the server checks to authenticate you, and “thing the server checks to authenticate you” is, by definition, the password.

When should I hash the password?

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Just use SSL and pass the password in plain text. Seriously, just use HTTPS. Hash the password on the server. If you hashed it on the client, you’re susceptible to something known as a “replay attack”, where the attacker can intercept a request, steal the “salt + hash” and then use that to authenticate.

How are the passwords stored on the server side?

Servers avoid storing the passwords in plaintext on their servers to avoid possible intruders to gain all their users’ passwords. A hash of each password is stored. This way, when he retrieves the hash list from the server, he can easily find out the passwords.

Why is server side md5 password hashing what about https?

Protects user’s password when server is compromised. I.e. if the client isn’t compromised, but the server is, if the client hashes the password, the server could still gain access to the one system, but you’ve protected the user’s password which is important if they use that password elsewhere.

Why is client side hashing bad?

Malicious admins or compromised server – client-side hashing can prevent them from seeing plaintext passwords. This is usually dismissed because they could modify the JavaScript and disable hashing.

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How do I send encrypted password?

How to send passwords safely

  1. Communicate passwords verbally, either in person or over the phone.
  2. Communicate passwords through encrypted emails. Sending passwords via unencrypted emails is never recommended.
  3. Send passwords in a password vault file such as KeePass.

Is it safe to send password over HTTPS?

Quick Answer: It is a standard practice to send “plain text” passwords over HTTPS via POST method. As we all know the communication between client-server is encrypted as per TLS, so HTTPS secures the password.

Why server passwords are stored as hashes?

Do I need to hash passwords client side?

If you wish to forgo this protection then you will have to roll out your own password input field. As others have pointed, you need a very good reason to want to hash passwords client side. I presume you are also salting and hashing them on the server, but the client side hash will weaken your cryptography (in theory). – Jozef Legény

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Is it OK to send a password without hashing?

Transmitting the users original password to your servers is never “OK” or “Fine”. Clean up any trace of the original password. Use a nonce regardless of HTTP/HTTPS. It is much more secure on many levels. (Answer to OP). Since it’s over HTTPS, it’s definitely just fine to send the password without hashing (over HTTPS it’s not plaintext).

Why can’t you hash passwords with JavaScript?

While this scenario makes sense, doing it with Javascript sent by the server itself does not. Indeed, the point of hashing the password client side is that the server is potentially hostile (e.g. subverted by an attacker), and thus Javascript code sent by that server is, at the very least, suspect.

What is the point of hashed passwords?

The point is the password should be hashed on the server in order that the malicious person cannot use the hashes that he has hacked from the database from the server to get access to your account or data.