Should you sleep or stay awake with a concussion?

Should you sleep or stay awake with a concussion?

Dr. Alexander says that a concussion is a head injury that sometimes involves loss of consciousness but is not associated with internal bleeding. Unless a doctor says the person needs further treatment, the injured person should sleep and rest.

Why is sleep important after a concussion?

It is important to try and get a good night’s sleep after a concussion. Sleep helps the brain recover and helps you feel well when you wake up. A good routine for sleep, or what is called Sleep Hygiene, can be very helpful.

How can I sleep better after a concussion?

Tips for better sleep after a concussion

  1. Keep a consistent sleep schedule.
  2. Get enough sleep at night.
  3. Have a consistent bedtime routine to help you relax each night before bed.
  4. Don’t go to bed unless you are sleepy.
  5. If you are not asleep after 20 minutes, then get out of bed.
  6. Avoid taking naps if you can.
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Is it normal to be tired after a head injury?

Fatigue is a common symptom following an acquired brain injury. Your brain will seem to have less energy. Even after a little effort, you may feel worn out and unable to go on. Your brain is telling you that you need a rest – listen to it.

Should a person with a concussion be left alone?

Note: A person should not be left alone after a concussion. If no adult can stay with the injured person, let the doctor know.

Can concussions cause weird dreams?

An increase in the time of consciousness disruption following head injury was related to the subjects having a tendency to sleep longer and to recall fewer, less vivid dreams.

How long do you have to stay awake after you get a concussion?

Now that concussion patients can be scanned to rule out the possibility of a more serious brain injury, doctors no longer need to tell family members to wake the patients. Each case is different, and some doctors will still tell family members to wake patients once or twice overnight, but it’s generally not needed.

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How long should you stay up after a concussion?

After a diagnosis with a sports-related concussion, the athlete should avoid not only physical activity but also any mental tasks that exacerbate their post-concussive symptoms. Most concussive symptoms resolve on their own over 7-14 days.

Why shouldnt you sleep after a concussion?

It has long been thought that a person with a concussion should not sleep because they might slip into a coma or lose consciousness. Through research and the expertise of UAMS doctors such as Dr. Alice Alexander, a primary care doctor in our Internal Medicine Clinic, we now know that there is no need to make a patient with a concussion stay awake.

How long till after a concussion I can sleep?

These sleep issues generally improve as your injury heals, though this can take up to a few weeks. If you’re still experiencing sleep issues a few weeks after a concussion, talk to your healthcare provider. To improve your sleep, try these tips: Keep a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and getting up around the same time each day.