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Should you take kittens from a feral cat?

Should you take kittens from a feral cat?

We have also learned that just as it is best not to intervene with baby birds or bunnies, it is best to leave feral kittens with their mothers in their outdoor homes until the kittens are no longer nursing.

Do feral cats attack domestic cats?

Feral cats will attack humans and pets. Some people—especially non-cat-lovers—may fear the thought of cat colonies roaming their neighborhoods alongside their children and other pets. Feral cats are equally unlikely to tangle with our beloved pets.

Will my male cat try to mate with a kitten?

Even after being neutered, the male may become stimulated enough to try to mount a nearby female cat in heat due to her scent. A neutered male can even display mounting behavior toward a spayed female.

How do you introduce a kitten to a feral cat?

Hold one cat, open the door for a few seconds so they can see the other cat, then shut the door. Do this a few times a day, and make it just a little longer as you progress. You can also put the new cat in a carrier and set it out in the existing cat’s area for 30-60 minutes at a time.

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Can feral kittens be friendly?

These kittens typically become wonderful, loving pets. Feral kittens should be placed in adoptive homes soon after socialization, if possible, because some feral kittens, especially those captured at an older age, tend to bond with one person.

Can a 4 month old kitten get another cat pregnant?

Both male and female kittens may reach sexual maturity between four and six months of age, so it is entirely possible a kitten could impregnate his mother. This is potentially dangerous both for female cats and for her kittens.

How do I stop my male cat from humping my kitten?

Offer Distractions or Deterrents. If you see your cat getting ready to hump, clap your hands loudly or drop a book on the floor. You might also offer a stuffed toy to a male that’s intent on humping so he’ll possibly leave your other cat (or you) alone.

Is it possible to tame a feral kitten?

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Feral kittens can usually be tamed if they are rescued young enough AND they are socialized properly. Feral kittens should begin their socialization as young as possible (before 6 weeks of age). It can take months for these kittens and cats to bond with the new caretaker.