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Should you tell someone you Dreamt about them?

Should you tell someone you Dreamt about them?

This is the one category in which the story of the dream — the plot and characters and conflict — don’t really matter very much. If all you are looking for is someone to tell you, “It’s OK, it was just a dream,” you are always allowed.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you havent thought about in a long time?

It’s common to dream about people who are currently in your life. “That being said, when you dream of a person you haven’t seen in forever, or a person you don’t deal with on a daily basis, or someone who doesn’t even actually exist, they will represent a part of your personality.”

Why is it weird to say I had a Dream About You?

“I had a dream about you” makes it weird from the outset (sometimes not, but mostly) for many reasons. “I had this dream I still remember some of… and you were in part of it” or something like that is more comfortable for everyone, in my experience. Which is why personally….

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What does it mean when you dream about someone in Your Dream?

The person in your dream might be that person, but they might also be an aspect of your own self/personality (kind/deceitful/angry/sexy) that your brain chose to put their face on because you associate them with that thing. So, knowing and acknowledging that releases you and them from ownership of the role in the dream.

Why do we like to talk about dreams?

A suggested ramification of threat-simulation theory relates to the idea that “two heads are better than one”: discussion of dreams might be adaptive if they help us mentally prepare for threats. We like to talk about dreams to help us prepare for how to act in dangerous situations in the future.

Why do people find dreams so hard to believe?

The second reason has to do with the emotional primacy of dreaming—because so many dreams are so emotional, they feel important in a way that people hearing about them, not feeling that emotion, might find hard to relate to. Once I dreamed of a terrifying staircase.