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Should you tell your girlfriend about your porn addiction?

Should you tell your girlfriend about your porn addiction?

So generally it’s best to follow your wife’s lead on this and give her as much detail/context as she wants to know. Men often struggle with this due to the shame they feel around their porn addiction, and because they fear it will upset their wives further to hear about it[ix].

How does pornography affect dating?

Pornography has been shown to weaken commitment in marriages because it creates an utterly false impression of what a normal body looks like and what sexual behavior is really about. The sexual relationship is meant to be mutually satisfying expression of each partner’s love for the other.

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How do I regain my girlfriends trust?

Rebuilding trust when you’ve hurt someone

  1. Consider why you did it. Before you embark on the process of rebuilding trust, you’ll first want to check in with yourself to understand why you did it.
  2. Apologize sincerely.
  3. Give your partner time.
  4. Let their needs guide you.
  5. Commit to clear communication.

Should I tell my spouse that I’m Addicted?

Another great advantage of telling one’s spouse is the opportunity to share the recovery with him or her. Even though disclosure will be painful, sharing in that pain can be a powerful bonding opportunity. Now, there are always situations where disclosing an addiction may be risky, and you may need to take precautions of when and how you disclose.

Is it difficult to recover from a sexual addiction?

It is difficult to completely recover from the addiction if one doesn’t disclose the sin to his or her spouse and include the spouse in the recovery. Sexual addiction is often referred to as an “intimacy disorder.”

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What happens when you become addicted to social media?

Through interacting with other people online, addicts can form complex emotional attachments that can directly interfere with their everyday lives. It can manifest in prioritizing relationships with chatroom friends or falling in love with someone online. 2. You Suffer From Sexual Dysfunction

How do I get help for an online addiction?

You can start with a friend or family member you trust or a trained healthcare professional. Through interacting with other people online, addicts can form complex emotional attachments that can directly interfere with their everyday lives. It can manifest in prioritizing relationships with chatroom friends or falling in love with someone online.