
Was Alexander the Great the best general ever?

Was Alexander the Great the best general ever?

He liberated more than conquered, and fought in the wars he waged. Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Great) is the single greatest leader in all of history because he lead one of the grandest armies in the world and established one of the largest armies of antiquity.

Why did Alexander the Great never lose?

As he moved across Asia Minor, he captured cities and engaged in minor battles with a variety of nations. Even after conquering Persia, he was far from finished and continued his advance into India. Altogether, Alexander campaigned almost constantly for fifteen years, and in all that time he never lost a battle.

What was Alexander the Great most skilled in when it came to warfare?

His use of the phalanx and cavalry, combined with an innate sense of command, put his enemy on the defensive, enabling him to never lose a battle. His memory would live on and his determination brought the Hellenic culture to Asia. He built great cities and changed forever the customs of a people.

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Was Alexander the Great a good fighter?

Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world of his time. From his father King Philip of Macedonia he inherited a versatile, well-trained army unlike anything that had ever existed. United in a single purpose, they fought as one.

Why is Alexander the Great considered a great general?

An innovative general, Alexander led a superbly trained army, against many foes and throughout the known ancient world. Yet his force was small compared to those he fought, (Persians, Indians) and he never lost a battle.

Was Alexander the Great the greatest diplomat ever?

Alexander the greatest? Although not exactly what one would call a diplomat, he was a military genius who used guile, ingenuity and lateral thinking to defeat often vastly superior forces. His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaupamela in 331 BC in what today is Iraq.

How did Alexander the Great conquer Persia?

Alexander The Great was the first grand strategist. What is remarkable about his conquests is the methodical way he went about defeating his enemies. First he secured his home base by defeating the Balkan tribes and obliterating Thebes. In Persia he did not march right into the middle of the Persian Kingdom – towards the Persian Capital.

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Was Napoleon Bonaparte a better war strategist than Alexander the Great?

The better comparison for Napoleon is Alexander’s father Philip II. Both Napoleon and Philip used war as a tool for the advancement of the state, not for their own glory and renown. This illustrates a far greater sense of strategy than Alexander ever showed.