Was Gollum a hobbit before the Ring?

Was Gollum a hobbit before the Ring?

Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk who lived near the Gladden Fields. In The Lord of the Rings it is stated that he was originally known as Sméagol, he was corrupted by the One Ring and later named Gollum after his habit of making “a horrible swallowing noise in his throat”.

Does Gollum know he was a hobbit?

Although they were probably genetically similar, they were not the same because the hobbits had continued to evolve over the time that Smeagol (now fallen and considered Gollum) was hiding in the Misty Mountains. So, he was not a hobbit but he was quite similar and meeting Bilbo brought up long repressed memories.

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What kind of hobbit was Smeagol?

Sméagol was a Hobbit of riverland Stoor-kind who lived on the banks of the Anduin in the later Third Age. Sméagol belong to the reputable family of the stern and wise Matriarch. He spent the early years of his life living with his extended family during the Watchful Peace, when Sauron was in the East.

When did isildur lose the One Ring?

Isildur claimed the Ring from Sauron in II 3441 (the final year of the Second Age), at the end of the Seige of Barad-dur. He lost it at the Disaster of Gladden Fields in III 2. Thus he was Ring-bearer for somewhere between two and three years.

How did Gollum know Bilbo has the ring?

Gollum thought that Bilbo was on his way out of the caves – he even though that Bilbo knew the exit all along and that he was just there to steal the Ring – and decided to meet him there, a fact Bilbo used to his own advantage. He followed Gollum to the exit and then slipped away unnoticed, tricking Gollum.

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How does Gollum know Bilbo has the ring?

Also, Gollum knew that Bilbo was a hobbit, so all he really had to do is overhear someone say something like “the Shire’s a place where a lot of Hobbits live” and he would know the name of the place.

Was Gollum a real Hobbit?

Gollum was indeed a hobbit. He was originally a Stoor Hobbit named Sméagol, one of the River-folk, who lived near the Gladden Fields. However, centuries of possessing the One Ring corrupted his mind and appearance, and he was eventually named Gollum after his habit of making a horrible swallowing noise in his throat.

How long did Gollum have the One Ring?

6 How long did Gollum have the One Ring for? Gollum was in possession of the One Ring for about 478 years before he lost it to Bilbo Baggins in T.A. 2941. To put that into perspective, the events of the entire epic The Lord of the Rings trilogy only cover about 77 years.

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Where did Bilbo Baggins find Gollum’s ring?

In July, TA 2941, during the Quest of Erebor, the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins stumbled upon the subterranean lake on which he lived and found Gollum’s Ring.

Why is Gollum called smeagol in The Lord of the Rings?

But at a certain point, after he was corrupted by his possession of the One Ring and it turned him crazy and slimy and gray, his name changed from Smeagol to Gollum. The origin of his new name may surprise you: he was given his new name based on his newfound tendency to make “a horrible swallowing noise in his throat.” So, it’s an insult.