
What animal produces no sound?

What animal produces no sound?

-Giraffe- it has zero vocal chords and produces no sound at all.

What animal is silent?

A fish is the quietest animal in the world. Other quiet animals are: owls, sloths, octopuses, beavers or house cats.

Which bird can not sound?

Hummingbird makes no sound. Explanation: Hummingbird is the type of bird which produces so little sound so it can be said that it makes no sound. They do not have large proper voice box so they cannot create sounds like other birds.

Are rabbits mute?

Many people think that rabbits are mute, or at least very quiet. While it is true that rabbits often favor body language as their primary source of communication (and they won’t keep your neighbors up all night with any obnoxious vocalizations) they can make a vast array of noises!

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Why are cats so silent?

Silence is golden to cats. These stealthy, streamlined animals are born hunters, as well as being prey to other species. So, cats move quietly so that they can sneak up on prey and remain undetected by predators.

What’s a rat sound like?

Rats make a combination of squeaking, hissing, and chattering sounds. They can communicate different emotions depending on the frequency of the noise. Often, squeaks or hisses signify that a rat is afraid or in pain.

Which animal does not make any sound?

Answer: Giraffe is the animal that do not make any sound. Filed Under: Animals and Birds

Are there any animals that do not speak?

Fun Facts / By Morten Storgaard. Not all animals make sounds. At least not sounds that are audible to the human ear. Let’s take a look at which animals we find that do not speak at all or make any noises. Which animals make no sounds? Jellyfish. Snails. Butterflies. Crabs.

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Are there any animals with no vocal cords?

Some have no vocal cords, but they nonetheless can make sounds when the situation calls for it. Arguably, goldfish could be said to be soundless, so can some species of shark. Rabbits, having no vocal cords, can be described as having no sound, but have you ever actually listened to one?

Which animal has the loudest call?

…Whales, the largest species also have the loudest calls than any other animal on Earth. To be precise, the sperm whale is the animal with the loudest call in the world. It makes a series of clicking noises that can reach as high as 230 decibels, making it the loudest animal in the world.