
What are 52 things I Wish I Could Tell my younger self?

What are 52 things I Wish I Could Tell my younger self?

Here, in hopes that it might be helpful to you on your own journey, are 52 things I wish I could tell my younger self: 1. Life is good. Not always, but mostly. And when it is not so good, be assured it will get better. 2. It’s a good thing that we don’t know everything that’s going to happen to us.

What are some of the Best Quotes you have ever heard?

1. Life is good. Not always, but mostly. And when it is not so good, be assured it will get better. 2. It’s a good thing that we don’t know everything that’s going to happen to us. If I had known all the pains and heartaches I would encounter in life, even amidst the joys and victories, it would surely have been too much to bear.

What do you wish someone told you when you were 18?

After a few more cups of coffee, a couple hours of deliberation, and some quick back-and-forth text discussions with people I respect, here are 18 things I wish someone told me when I was 18: Commit yourself to making lots of little mistakes when you’re young.

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What are the best herbs for memory loss and brain health?

Gingko Biloba – Ginkgo biloba is a medicinal herb that has been used successfully for centuries to treat memory loss and the symptoms of cognitive decline. It works by increasing blood flow to the brain and promoting healthy nerve conductivity.

What do you need to know when you live on your own?

When you live on your own, you have to know how to do your own laundry. Mom isn’t there anymore to help you sort colors, whites, darks…and trust me, you don’t want to be like Rachel from Friends and turn all your clothes pink. Not a good look. 3. How to do your own dishes. Okay.

What are 101 Things to do before you die?

101 Things To Do Before You Die. 1 1. Travel all around the world. Traveling — it’s the single best activity that exposes you to new cultures, broaden your mind, move out of your 2 2. Learn a new language. 3 3. Try a profession in a different field. 4 4. Achieve your ideal weight. 5 5. Run a marathon.