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What are important things about village?

What are important things about village?

10 Things Only People Who Used To Live In Villages Would Understand

  • You take fresh air everyday.
  • You can live a peaceful and quiet life.
  • You eat fresh, green and clean vegetables.
  • You spend less in villages.
  • You will never feel alone.
  • You do more physical exercise.
  • You can embrace a beautiful night sky.

What does a village need?

A village needs at least one house and one villager to be considered a “village”. A “house” is marked by a bed. A village utilizes villager breeding to try to maintain a 100\% population level, so long as there are at least two villagers occupying it.

What is the most important thing about village life?

Answer: The village plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance as it is a place which is covered by greenery which overcomes the green cover which is less in the cities and also it is a shelter for various animals.

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How our villages are run?

Lesson – 14 How our Villages are Run Ans :1) The members of the gram panchayat are elected by the people of the village. Ans :2) The gram panchayat looks after the needs of the people of the village. a) The gram panchayat helps to dig wells and set up tubewells. b) It tries to keep the village clean.

Do villagers need to sleep?

Villagers need beds in Minecraft to serve a variety of purposes. When night falls, villagers need beds to sleep in. If you’re going to make your villagers comfortable, relaxed, and happy, you will need beds for them. Beds will help them to start their family or to breed in Minecraft.

What is the importance of village and values?

The village plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance as it is a place which is covered by greenery which overcomes the green cover which is less in the cities and also it is a shelter for various animals.

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What can I do for my village?


  1. Make reservoirs around village covered with solar panels.
  2. Use the electricity generated from solar panels to give irrigation facilities to crops.
  3. Use drip irrigation, it saves on water all well as it controls the growth of weeds.
  4. Build green house systems and automate them as much as possible.