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What are some of the cultural influences from Korea and China that Japan adopted?

What are some of the cultural influences from Korea and China that Japan adopted?

Notable examples of Korean influence on Japanese culture include the prehistoric migration of Korean peninsular peoples to Japan near the end of Japan’s Jōmon period and the introduction of Buddhism to Japan via the Kingdom of Baekje in 538 AD.

Who brought scholars from China and Korea to Japan?

Chinese writing was brought to Japan by Buddhist missionaries from Korea, probably around the 4th or 5th centuries. The early 8th century histories Nihon Shoki and Kojiki credit a scholar called Wani from Baekje with first bringing the Confucian classics to Japan, though many scholars have questioned this account.

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How did the Korean adapt the Chinese influences to their own culture?

The Korean kingdoms were influenced by Chinese trade goods and culture. Korean writing systems (4th century a.d.), architecture, political systems, religions, and even musical instruments came from China. Koreans adapted these Chinese things and made them their own.

How did China use its Asian neighbors to rebuild relations with West?

So China used its Asian neighbors in those days as a kind of hedge against the isolation imposed by the west, and as a bridge to rebuild relations with the west. The neighbors in turn exploited economic opportunities in China opened by the absent westerners.

Why didn’t Korea and Japan adopt China’s examination system?

Both Korea and Japan wanted to maintain their own independence, first and foremost. However, both cultures also had very rigid norms about class and social mobility that would not allow the relative ease of advancement afforded by China’s examination system.

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Which countries in Asia are influenced by Chinese culture?

These are states that had tributary relationships with China in the Qing dynasty and before. It is a region that is heavily influenced by Chinese culture. Japan’s culture is substantially derived from Tang Dynasty China. Korea’s was strongly influenced by China’s art and religion. Same holds true for Southeast Asia, Vietnam in particular.

Why did China and Japan fight over the concept of Western culture?

Another reason was that China’s knowledge of the West was much more limited than Japan’s. China’s rulers discouraged scholarly dissent, preferring people to limit themselves to following orthodox texts. These texts had been copied again and again since the Ming dynasty, and therefore presented an outdated view of the world.