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What are some techniques for understanding non-native English speakers?

What are some techniques for understanding non-native English speakers?

5 Tips for Talking with Non-Native English Speakers Speak slowly, use clear pronunciation, and ask the other person to speak more slowly as well. Use simple words when possible. Refrain from using idioms or expressions that your conversation partner may not understand. Be honest!

Can you learn a language just from watching TV?

Translation: “I am an enunciatory French pencil.” Learning languages doesn’t come easy to all world travelers. Although excessive screen time is often frowned upon, language experts say that watching shows in a foreign language – if done with near obsession – can help someone learn that language.

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Should you watch movies without subtitles?

Students who are at an advanced level of English aren’t going to get the same level of learning, and can probably understand most of the movie/show without using subtitles. Subtitles on TV shows/films will not help you if you don’t enjoy what you’re watching! Always watch something you like or you think is interesting.

Can you really learn a language with movies?

However, a lot of language learners don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to learning a language with movies. It can be tempting to just watch a movie and hope to learn from it. But because so many learners are unprepared, they often fall victim to pitfalls and don’t get as much out of the movies as they would have hoped.

How can I learn to watch movies with subtitles?

Use FluentU online. If you prefer your learning on the go, you can also download the FluentU app from iTunes or Google Play. Watch short videos on YouTube. Another resource you might use to brush up your skills before diving into full-length movies is YouTube. There are plenty of short videos in other languages, and many offer subtitles.

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How can I learn to watch movies in my target language?

If you haven’t watched a lot of videos in your target language, you might not be ready to dive into a full-length movie just yet. Practicing with supportive resources will give you the skills you need to watch movies in your target language. Start with shorter videos on FluentU. FluentU is one tool that can help.

How accurate is the language used in movies?

Since movies are intended for native speakers, the language used generally reflects authentic speech. Sometimes, historical or fantasy films might not be accurate reflections of current speech norms, but most contemporary movies use common language that people who watch the film also use.