
What are some words to describe Steve Jobs?

What are some words to describe Steve Jobs?

The three most common words people use to describe Steve Jobs: “visionary, genius and ***hole,” says angry author after being ejected from the MacWorld show.

What personality type is Steve Jobs?

The late Steve Jobs was also, according to experts, the epitome of an ENTJ personality. ENTJs think ahead to the future and approach problems from several different angles. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago,” Warren Buffett once observed.

What traits made Steve Jobs successful?

Some of his personal traits that enabled him to achieve success in his career were focus, passion and his exceptional imagination. Besides, his communication skills were amazing because he could entertain, inform and inspire his audience at the same time.

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How Steve Jobs focus?

Steve Jobs knew that even great ideas can kill productivity. “Focusing is about saying ‘no,’” the late co-founder explained at Apple’s 1997 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). “You’ve got to say ‘no, no, no’ and when you say ‘no,’ you piss off people.” To Jobs, focus wasn’t about willpower.

What are Steve Jobs values?

We believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot. And frankly, we don’t settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company, and we have the self- honesty to admit when we’re wrong and the courage to change.

What abilities did Steve Jobs have?

Jobs’ arrogant style, I believe that he had at least three qualities that great executive leaders have: a clear vision, a passion for the company and its people, and an ability to inspire trust. This is what I would consider his leadership character. In fact, Mr.

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Was Steve job a good leader?

‘Steve Jobs’ leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail, and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead. ‘ His creative awareness, his ‘meticulous eye for detail’, was clearly a driving force in Apple’s success. Jobs wasn’t just known for his artistic perfectionism, though.

Why was Steve Jobs courageous?

He inspired the world by his attitude, Steve did not care about his loses but he cared about what can be done? Steve Jobs was one of the best motivation for people who thinks defeats are the end of life. He proves to the world if you have an idea and you believe in it, then nothing else matters.