
What are the 4 families in Game of Thrones?

What are the 4 families in Game of Thrones?

The events that take place in Westeros largely concern themselves with the interaction of four prominent families: the Targaryens, the Baratheons, the Starks, and the Lannisters.

What happened Lannister?

In spite of his death sentence, Tyrion does not die in the Game of Thrones finale. Instead, he manages to talk Jon Snow into assassinating Daenerys and is eventually pardoned by Westeros’ new king, Bran Stark (who is now called Bran the Broken, as if that’s a complimentary title).

Who is the king in Game of Thrones Season 1?

Robert Baratheon
Title King of the Andals and the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms Protector of the Realm Lord of Storm’s End Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
Occupation King War general and revolutionary figure
Family House Baratheon
Spouse Cersei Lannister
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What year does Game of Thrones take place?

297 AC
(The Prologue of A Game of Thrones takes place in 297 AC, and quite possibly the first few Daenerys chapters as well.) In the north, after thousands of years without encounter, the Others reappear in an attack on rangers from the Night’s Watch and a group of free folk.

Why is ‘Game of Thrones’ so popular?

The show’s momentum built to such a self-sustaining degree that the cultural interest surrounding Game of Thrones continued through its last season even when the tone of the talk about it soured in excitement. As the franchise presses forward, it would do well to get back to the complexity and realism that made it so popular to begin with.

Can the Game of Thrones prequel series repeat its original success?

If the Game of Thrones prequel series hope to replicate the original’s juggernaut success, they can’t do it without understanding why the show was so popular in the first place. The first step to understanding Game of Thrones’ appeal is identifying what made it unique.

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Why is everyone obsessed with Game of Thrones?

This is because Game of Thrones, for all its grimness and brutality, represents a return of old-fashioned escapism. Game of Thrones invites you to join a world where you can solve your problems with a sword and saddle.

Are there any Game of Thrones character charts out there?

There are a lot of Game of Thrones character charts out there but I find most of them to be pretty overwhelming. This is because the show simply has so many characters that it’s impossible to get them all on one chart.