
What are the advantages and disadvantages of scientific research?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of scientific research?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Experimental Research: Quick Reference List

Advantages Disadvantages
researcher can have control over variables can produce artificial results
humans perform experiments anyway results may only apply to one situation and may be difficult to replicate

What is scientific method of acquiring knowledge?

Science is the acquisition of knowledge through observation, evaluation, interpretation, and theoretical explanation. The scientific method, or research method, is a set of systematic techniques used to acquire, modify, and integrate knowledge concerning observable and measurable phenomena.

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What are the advantages of using the scientific method as a way of acquiring knowledge?

In conclusion the major advantage of the scientific method is that the data it collects is empirical. The information is gained through direct observations and experiments. This is an advantage as it allows psychologists to make claims about the truth of the theory.

What are the disadvantages of using scientific names?

Disadvantages of Botanical Name The usefulness of botanical names is limited by the fact that taxonomic groups are not fixed in size; a taxon may have a varying circumscription. The group of a particular botanical name refers to can be quite small according to some people and quite big according to others.

What are the weaknesses disadvantage of gaining knowledge using the scientific method and reading research reports?


  • Nothing has full knowledge of the world.
  • Senses can deceive us – science only provides us with an incomplete picture of the world.
  • Scientists can never be completely unbiased.
  • Science isn’t free from error.
  • No way of knowing what is real – some things could be illusions.
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Why is scientific method important in solving problems?

It provides an objective, standardized approach to conducting experiments and, in doing so, improves their results. By using a standardized approach in their investigations, scientists can feel confident that they will stick to the facts and limit the influence of personal, preconceived notions.

What is the major disadvantage of using common names?

Common names vary from region to region, hence the names of one region cannot be understood by people in other parts of the world. Also, the same common name may be used for different animals. All this will lead to great chaos in identifying different organisms.

What are the advantages and drawbacks of using scientific names as compared with common names?

The common name of an organism is much easier than the scientific name however scientific names are more acceptable. Different countries have different languages that name different for every species and could create confusion that’s why scientific names have been assigned to the species.

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What are three limitations of the scientific method?

Human error – e.g. mistakes can occur in recording observations or inaccurate use of measuring instrument. Deliberately falsifying results – i.e. scientific fraud. Bias – prior confidence in the hypothesis being true/false can affect accuracy of observation and interpretation of results.

What is a limitation of the scientific approach in psychology?

Most subject matters of psychology cant be observed so it cant be measured accurately. Not all share the view that all human behaviour can be explored with scientific methods. Loses ecological valididty.