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What are the CBSE toppers doing now?

What are the CBSE toppers doing now?

Among toppers who stayed back or returned to India after their higher studies, most have chosen a career in finance, followed by the tech sector, consulting, and business.

Who is Sarthak Agrawal?

Sarthak is an officer trainee in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). He was earlier a researcher with the World Bank’s Poverty and equity global unit, and an economist with the Institute for Fiscal Studies, London.

Who is the topper of CBSE 2014?

topper Sarthak Agarwal
CBSE 2014 topper Sarthak Agarwal achieves AIR 17 in UPSC Civil Services 2020 exam.

Who is the CBSE 10th Topper 2020?

CBSE Class 10 Toppers 2020

Name of the CBSE Class 10 Topper Marks Percentage
P. Harini 499/500 99.8\%
Ritish Agarwal 498/500 99.6\%
Aryan Bhatt 497/500 99.4\%
Ritika Agarwal 497/500 99.4\%
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What is Raksha Gopal doing now?

In 2017, Raksha Gopal from Amity International School, Noida secured all India first rank with 99.6 per cent. While most toppers belong to the Science stream, Gopal was from Arts stream. She is pursuing BA (Hons) Political Science with minor in Economics from Delhi University’s Lady Shri Ram College.

Who is the topper of CBSE 2019?

CBSE Class 10 result 2019: The 15-year-old Shivika Dudani has topped the national capital Delhi in the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 10 exams. She has secured 498 marks out of 500 marks and is among 25 students to share the all India rank two in the country.

Who is P Harini?

The CBSE 10th result 2020 was declared on July 15 and Chennai girl P Harini is one of the national CBSE toppers with 499/500 marks and a score of 99.8\%. She told us more about her routine and future plans. Chennai girl P Harini topped the CBSE class 10th exams with an astonishing score of 499 out of 500 or 99.8\%.