
What are the challenges of autism?

What are the challenges of autism?

These secondary conditions include:

  • Speech and language difficulties.
  • Intellectual disability.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Attention problems.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Difficulties with fine and gross motor skills.

What challenges might be experienced when gaining a formal diagnosis of autism?

First, they must have persistent problems in social communication and interaction. This includes deficits in empathy, body language, facial expression and eye contact; and difficulties or lack of interest in social relationships and making friends.

What are some of the difficulties experienced by students with ASD?

While every child with autism presents with unique needs and behaviors, it’s important for teachers to understand the general types of concerns they are likely to encounter.

  • Cognitive Processing Delays.
  • Sensory Perception Issues.
  • Social Skill Deficits.
  • Expression Challenges.
  • Motor Skill Challenges.
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Why do Aspergers kids refuse to leave the House?

In some case, an Aspergers youngster may refuse to leave the house. Common physical symptoms include headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or diarrhea. Tantrums, inflexibility, separation anxiety, avoidance, and defiance may show up, too. Starting school, moving, and other stressful life events may trigger the onset of school refusal.

Why is change so difficult for people with Aspergers?

Change requires trusting that others will be there when things are difficult, that people and things will continue to exist in one’s absence, to return to and re-connect with. This trust is extremely difficult for people with Asperger’s who, instead, assume that any kind of shift in what they do or who they are, will cause loss and or separation.

What are the symptoms of Aspergers in children?

In some case, an Aspergers youngster may refuse to leave the house. Common physical symptoms include headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or diarrhea. Tantrums, inflexibility, separation anxiety, avoidance, and defiance may show up, too.

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Should I let my Aspergers child miss school?

Well-meaning moms and dads can make things worse by allowing an anxious Aspergers youngster to miss school. Such an accommodation sends the message that school is too scary for the youngster to handle and the fear is justified. Overprotective moms and dads rush in way too quickly to shield their Aspie from any experience that creates distress.