
What are the features of Microsoft Word?

What are the features of Microsoft Word?

One of the most widely used programs of Microsoft Office suite, MS Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft….The common formatting features which are available on MS Word include:

  • Font Style, Size and Colour.
  • Header and Footer.
  • Insert Images.
  • Add tables and bulleted lists.
  • Set a page layout.
  • Add Word Art.

What is the use of Microsoft Office 2007?

The Office Button The Office 2007 OFFICE BUTTON is located in the upper-left of the program window and is identified by the Office logo. The OFFICE BUTTON allows you to open, save, and print documents, and perform other document output functions (e.g., fax and email).

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What are the best features of Microsoft Word?

10 Supremely Useful Features in Microsoft Word

  • Convert a List to a Table.
  • Convert a Bulleted List to SmartArt.
  • Create a Custom Tab.
  • Quick Selection Methods.
  • Add Placeholder Text.
  • Changing Case.
  • Quick Parts.
  • Touch/ Mouse Mode in Word 2013.

What are the 3 automatic features of MS Word?

Auto Features Available in Word 2016

  • AutoCorrect: This function corrects common typos and capitalizations.
  • AutoText Building Blocks: This function lets you insert preset chunks of text.
  • AutoFormat: This feature lets you format your document in one operation.

What are the benefits of MS Office?

Universal Software.

  • Used by over 1.2 billion people and most businesses.
  • Office 365 offers anytime, anywhere access.
  • Online Support from Microsoft.
  • Easy to use.
  • Multipurpose.
  • Security.
  • How many tabs are found in MS Word 2007?

    seven tabs
    The Ribbon is a user interface element which was introduced by Microsoft in Microsoft Office 2007. It is located below the Quick Access Toolbar and the Title Bar. It comprises seven tabs; Home, Insert, Page layout, References, Mailing, Review and View.

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    What is Microsoft Word and MS Excel explain any five features?

    Find and Replace: This features comes handy in cases of long long documents. Linking: With MS Word, you can easily link text or images etc…. to a new document , file , or a web-page…. Smart Art, Charts, And Other Graphics… Smart Art, Charts, Images etc.

    What is MS Office and its features?

    It is a proprietary product of Microsoft Corporation and was first released in 1990. Microsoft Office is available in 35 different languages and is supported by Windows, Mac and most Linux variants. It mainly consists of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Outlook and Publisher applications.

    What are the three most helpful features of Microsoft Word?

    What is Microsoft Word used for?

    Microsoft Word or MS Word is a popular word-processing program used mainly for creating documents, such as brochures, letters, learning activities, quizzes, tests, and students’ homework assignments. It was first released in 1983 and is one of Microsoft Office suite’s applications.

    What features does Microsoft Office 2007 include?

    Microsoft Office 2007 includes features geared towards collaboration and data sharing. As such, Microsoft Office 2007 features server components for applications such as Excel, which work in conjunction with SharePoint Services, to provide a collaboration platform.

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    What’s new in Microsoft Word 2007?

    In Word 2007, all of these things have been replaced with a new navigation system and many new features that are designed to make accomplishing tasks and producing professional-looking documents easier than ever. The Ribbon system: Cascading menu options and the many toolbars have been replaced by the tabbed Ribbon system.

    What is the difference between Microsoft Office 2007 and Office 365?

    What’s the difference between Office 2007 and Microsoft 365? Office 2007 include applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. They’re available as a one-time purchase for use on a single PC.

    What is live preview in Microsoft Word 2007?

    You’ll never do this again with Word 2007. Live Preview is a feature new to the 2007 Office suite that allows you to see changes in your document before you actually select an item. Confused?