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What are the positives and benefits of being an Australian citizen?

What are the positives and benefits of being an Australian citizen?

7 Advantages of becoming an Australian Citizen

  • Hassle-free travel and re-entry:
  • Excellent consular support while overseas:
  • Federal government and defence jobs:
  • You can even become the Prime Minister of Australia!
  • Visa-free travel to 181 countries:
  • Financial assistance for education:
  • Protection from deportation:

What are some disadvantages of being a citizen?

Disadvantages of obtaining US citizenship

  • It costs about $ 725 + plus you have to be off work for three days.
  • Now you are forced to be a member of the jury every 2 years when called.
  • Travel to Ukraine or other home countries of immigrants for which Americans require a visa.
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What are the pros and cons about Australia?

The biggest pros and cons of moving to Australia

  • Pro: High living standards.
  • Con: Hot housing market.
  • Pro: Quality healthcare.
  • Con: Living expenses.
  • Pro: Welcoming atmosphere.
  • Con: Isolation anxiety.

Should I get Australian citizenship?

Acquiring citizenship helps you stay indefinitely in Australia as well as to re-enter the country whenever you want. You also get the privilege of staying outside Australia as long as you wish to. An Australian citizen returning to the country does not have to stand in long queues at the immigration counter.

Is it hard to become Australian citizen?

It may be a time-consuming process, but it actually isn’t that tedious when compared to other countries. There is one way to expedite this process and circumvent naturalization and the need to take the Australian citizenship test, by applying for Australian citizenship by descent.

Why should I become a citizen of Australia?

Your chance to participate in Australia’s future. Becoming a citizen is the only way to guarantee you have the right to remain in Australia. PRs are at risk of losing their status if they spend long periods of time outside the Australia or commit certain crimes.

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What are the advantages of citizenship over permanent residency in Australia?

The primary advantage of citizenship over permanent residency is that you can maintain dual citizenship if your mother country permits it, and as an Australian citizen you can never be deported. A minor secondary advantage of citizenship over permanent residency is you can vote in elections and get to have a say in how the country is run.

What are the drawbacks of living in Australia?

Even though the country’s remoteness can be one of its main draws, it can also be a rather significant drawback. Not only are various Australian cities at great distance from each other but the country as a whole is set quite a distance from anywhere else in the world.

Is emigrating to Australia a good idea?

While Australia has a high standard of living, it also has a high cost of living, with food and utilities likely to be rather pricier than you’re used to. Unless you’ve factored this into your budget this could be a shock to the system, even if you’re emigrating with the offer of a well-paid job.