
What are the side effects of having one testicle removed?

What are the side effects of having one testicle removed?

There are no lasting side effects after you have one testicle removed. Having one testicle removed won’t affect your ability to get an erection. For most men it won’t affect their ability to have children. But for some men their remaining testicle might not work so well and this could reduce their fertility.

How long do you live after testicular cancer?

The general 5-year survival rate for men with testicular cancer is 95\%. This means that 95 men out of every 100 men diagnosed with testicular cancer will live at least 5 years after diagnosis. The survival rate is higher for people diagnosed with early-stage cancer and lower for those with later-stage cancer.

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Do you lose your testicle with testicular cancer?

For almost all stages and types of testicular cancer, the testicle is removed. You might hear a doctor call this a radical inguinal orchiectomy.

What happens if there is only one testis?

Many people with one testicle have a healthy and active sex life. A single testicle can produce enough testosterone to fuel your sex drive. This amount of testosterone is also enough for you to get an erection and ejaculate during an orgasm.

Can you live a full life with testicular cancer?

Survival for all stages of testicular cancer Nearly all men survive their disease. Generally in England: more than 95 out of 100 men (more than 95\%) will survive their cancer for 1 year or more after they are diagnosed. 95 out of 100 men (95\%) will survive their cancer for 5 years or more after diagnosis.

Can you cure testicular cancer without removing testicle?

If there’s a high suspicion that the cancer might be a testicular choriocarcinoma, chemo may be started without a biopsy or surgery to remove the testicle. If the cancer has spread to the brain, surgery (if there are only 1 or 2 tumors in the brain), radiation therapy aimed at the brain, or both may also be used.

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What happens when testicular cancer spreads?

When testicular cancer spreads, it most commonly spreads to the lung and the lymph nodes of the chest, pelvis, and the base of the neck. More advanced stages may have spread to the liver and bones. Testicular cancer rarely spreads to the brain unless the primary tumor is a choriocarcinoma.

How does testicular cancer affect men’s health?

The treatment of testicular cancer usually involves removal of a testicle. Above and beyond complete elimination of the cancer, men often have three additional concerns – aesthetics, hormone production, and fertility. The aesthetic effect of losing a testicle can have some emotional consequences. Usually these feelings will heal with time.

What happens to a man when he loses a testicle?

Effects of Losing a Testicle. Above and beyond complete elimination of the cancer, men often have three additional concerns – aesthetics, hormone production, and fertility. The aesthetic effect of losing a testicle can have some emotional consequences. Usually these feelings will heal with time.

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What should I do if I have testicular cancer?

If the other testicle needs to be removed because the cancer is in both testicles or if a new cancer develops in the other testicle, you’ll need to take some form of testosterone for the rest of your life. Most often this is a gel or patch that’s put on your skin or a monthly injection (shot) given in your doctor’s office.

What will happen to my sex life after testicular cancer surgery?

About 95\% of men will survive more than 5 years after it’s diagnosed. That gives you plenty of room to think about your life after surgery. This might be the first question on your mind: What will this do to my sex life? If you had just one testicle taken out, you should be able to get an erection and have sex after you recover.