
What are the similarities between Greek and Hindu mythology?

What are the similarities between Greek and Hindu mythology?

A very striking similarity between both these mythologies is that, you have a God for everything. Just like us they also have a God of wealth, wisdom and underground. Not only that, just like us they also have a specific messenger of God and also the chief architect of Gods, just like our Vishwakarma.

What is the difference between Greek gods and Hindu gods?

Home of the Gods The basic difference is that Hindu Gods appear to inhabit some particular world that is not the Earth. Indra, the king of the Hindu Gods has his court and palace somewhere in space. In contrast Greek gods appear to live on earth itself occupying mountains.

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What is unique about the Hindu God?

The unique understanding in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote heaven, but is inside each and every soul, in the heart and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. And the goal of Hinduism is knowing God in this intimate and experiential way.

What are some similarities and differences between Hinduism and the ancient Egyptian religion?

Both were polytheistic. Hinduism had three main gods they were Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Egyptian religion has many gods the main gods were Horus, Osiris, Geb, and Ra.

What are the things that you find interesting in Hinduism?

25 Interesting Facts about Hinduism

  • The Rig Veda is the oldest known book in the world.
  • 108 is considered a sacred number.
  • It’s the third largest religion in the world.
  • Hindu belief says that gods can take many forms.
  • Sanskrit is the most commonly used language in Hindu texts.
  • Hinduism believes in a circular concept of time.

How are Hindu gods similar to Egyptian gods?

Both were polytheistic. Hinduism had three main gods they were Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Egyptian religion has many gods the main gods were Horus, Osiris, Geb, and Ra. The Hindu holy books, the Vedas told hymns and prayers.

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What are two similarities between Hinduism and the religion practiced by ancient Egypt?

THE ONE AND THE MANY The main similarity between ancient Egyptian religion and modern Hinduism is their polytheistic nature. Both religions have one Supreme Deity, who is seen as the creator of all life. However both religions have a choice as to which deity they chose to worship in this role.

What are the similarities between Hinduism and Greek mythology?

Just like Hindus have each god for wealth, power, knowledge, wisdom, etc. Greek too have similar gods for every kind. Like Yama is the god of netherworld in Hindu and Hades in Greek. 9. Seven Hindu have seven sages called Saptarishis, which are the seven brightest stars that can control even the Sun.

What is the significance of the gods of Hinduism?

The Devas are the good Hindu gods that we dearly worship and Asuras are the chief creatures that torment the Devas. Similarly, the Gods of Mount Olympus represent good and the Titans represent evil. READ MORE 6 Millennium math`s problem that can make you a Millionaire.

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Who is the king of gods in Hindu mythology?

In the Greek Mythology, Zeus is considered to be the King of Gods. Being the God of thunder and lightning, he is also the most powerful god of them all. He is a womanizer and the complete list of his lovers is longer than one can fathom. Similarly, in Hindu Mythology, Indra is the King of Hindu Gods.

Is Odin related to Hinduism?

Answer Wiki. The Norse deity Odin has some parallels with the founder of Jainism, Adinath, who has been identified with the Hindu deity Shiva by some scholars. Both Odin and Adinath are ancestral figures to their worshippers. Odin is called Allfather and considered the ancestor of many European tribes and royal houses, including the Langobards.