
What are the things we can change and improve?

What are the things we can change and improve?

10 Things To Accept And 10 Things To Change For A Better Life

  • Accept the choices you’ve made, change your next ones.
  • Accept those who hurt you, change those with whom you are surrounded.
  • Accept your body, change your health.
  • Accept your imperfections, change your idea of beauty.
  • Accept your family, change your friends.

Can changing the past affect the future?

That study found that changes made in the past won’t drastically alter the future.

Why do I want to go back to the past?

Sometimes I want to go back to the past to change something wrong that I did or said. Other times, however, I want to go back to moments in the past because I was truly happy. Lastly, I want to go back to a moment to remember things that I did not originally know would be important, like the last words my Grandfather said to me.

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Is going back in time a good idea?

Going back in time may feel like an exercise in futility. But it’s not. The emotional pain of the past lives with us until we face it, and deal with it. This is one way of dealing with it.

Do you think about how your life would be different today?

It’s nearly impossible not to think of how your life would be different today if you acted different yesterday, but there is no use grieving in those memories you cannot change. I try to live in the moment as much as possible, but from time to time I am reminded of how different things used to be, for the better or worse.

Do you feel sad when you think back to old times?

Yes, some of these memories overlook some bad things that may have happened at the time. Like the time i painfully got bit by a jellyfish. Even though i spent half the vacation in pain, i still sometimes wish to go back. Yes, I sometimes do feel less satisfied with life as it is when I think back to old times.