
What are you passionate about as a developer?

What are you passionate about as a developer?

Passion produces amazing outcomes. I think that great software developers are passionate about coding and problem solving in general. We like to solve puzzles. We like to sink our teeth into a problem, break it down, and work out the best solution.

What is coding and its benefits?

Coding helps build critical problem-solving skills so your child can more easily tackle school subjects like geometry, statistics, and physics. It’s also a great way to solve common, everyday problems such as managing large projects or breaking down chores or to-do lists.

Why do you like to code?

Just like architecture, which is an art used by people daily and affects their everyday life, so is code. You can create something and people interact with, use, touch and work with. That is an amazing feeling. Reason #2: I love to code because it is a team effort. Since code is a usable art, a whole team of people are connected to the practice.

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What does it feel like to be a wizard in coding?

That really feels like being a wizard. Unlike physics where physical restraints are in everything you do, there are no limitations in coding besides your ability to think of a logically consistent solution.

How do you know if a developer is passionate?

Before the interview, you can tell the difference between a passionate developer and the rest by the resume. The passionate developer talks about what they did, the rest talk about how they did it. The passionate developer lists their blog, personal projects, etc.

Who are the people involved in the code development process?

Since code is a usable art, a whole team of people are connected to the practice. From the client to the account managers, and including the business people, finance, the support team, QA team, designers, product managers and project managers.