
What bad things did Dumbledore do?

What bad things did Dumbledore do?

Photo: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone/Warner Bros. At the onset of the Harry Potter saga, Dumbledore commits one of the most heinous acts toward a child: he abandons it. The Headmaster of Hogwarts doesn’t just leave baby Harry on a doorstep, either – he deposits him with the abusive and racist Dursleys.

How is Dumbledore described in the books?

The books describe Dumbledore as a classic wizard; tall and thin, with long silver hair, that looks long enough to tuck into his belt and a long beard. He also has twinkling blue eyes.

How is Dumbledore described in the first book?

Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and pretty much the coolest wizard around. In this first book of the series, we see him as a friendly, but distant authority figure. His speeches to the Hogwarts student body show that he’s a good-humored guy.

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What did Dumbledore do in the first book?

Introduction. One of the most intriguing ideas in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is that Professor Dumbledore set up events so that Harry would try and stop the theft of the Philosopher’s Stone by Voldemort.

What did Dumbledore do instead of investigating Harry Potter?

Instead of investigating or letting Harry off the hook, Dumbledore does nothing, which means two things. For starters, i n the Wizarding World, anyone can sign anybody else up for competitions, and that person is legally required to do something they never agreed to do in the first place.

Why is Dumbledore so good at making everyone follow him?

This because he was so above average intelligence that his mind moved ahead several times faster than others and hence it was better for others to only follow rather than comprehend. Dumbledore had become used to this scheme of things- so much so it had become second nature to him.

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Why didn’t Dumbledore remove the curse without removing the curse?

It makes no sense for Dumbledore to simply allow this to continue without removing the curse, especially if expects Harry to learn anything in preparation for the war. It’s almost as if Dumbledore had hoped to tempt a certain someone out of hiding and into a prophesied duel with a certain wizard sporting a lightning bolt-shaped scar…

Why did Dumbledore order Harry to take Occlumency lessons?

After Harry has a vision in which he sees Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, attacking Mr. Weasley, Dumbledore’s suspicions are confirmed. He then orders Harry to begin Occlumency lessons with Snape. It doesn’t go well; Harry doesn’t learn enough to protect himself and Snape soon calls the lessons off.