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What basketball means to me?

What basketball means to me?

A basketball could be just a toy for many, or even represent a release for others, but for me, it means a lot more. A basketball represents my blood, sweat, tears, passion, sacrifice, and most of all, a sense of belonging, like a family. The first thing that a basketball represents, for me, is change.

What inspires you to play basketball?

Common Motivations

  • Fun. Many choose to play a sport because they enjoy it.
  • Love of the Game. For other athletes, deep passion is what drives them: they just love the game.
  • Friendship. Some athletes are more socially motivated.
  • Being Part of a Team. Some are motivated by being part of a team.
  • Desire To Be The Best.

Why is basketball so fun?

Basketball is fun to play: Basketball has a very fast and exciting pace of play. Also, each player on the court gets to play both offense and defense and the roles of each player are only loosely defined. Much of basketball easily can be practiced (like shooting or dribbling) with one person making it easy to learn.

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Why do we play basketball poem?

In Sherman Alexie’s poem “Why We Play Basketball”, basketball is not only for entertainment, it can be an intrinsic motivation for people aiming for a better future. Alexie uses basketball to describe his childhood. This poem answers the question why they play basketball because of their childhood experiences.

Why do I love basketball paragraph?

The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone.

Why do you like to play basketball?

Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. One reason I love basketball is because you need only yourself to play the game or, you can play with teammates. I prefer to have others to play with rather than just playing alone.

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Why is basketball the best?

Health benefits of basketball While not renowned as an aerobic sport, it is still a great workout that can help you: burn calories (an hour of basketball can burn 630–750 calories) build endurance. improve balance and coordination.

How does basketball make you feel?

When you play basketball you feel much more confident and makes you not care much about how others think about you. When I possess the ball in basketball I have the mentality of being the best and no one could stop me. Many people have creative ideas and find new ways to trick the opposing players.

Why is basketball your favorite?

I like it because playing basketball is good for my health. I often play it in the school playground with my classmates. It is an enjoyable and healthy sport which can bring us joy, foster better friendships and help us grow taller. Basketball is a team sport.

Why is basketball the best sport to play?

Basketball is a good sport to play because it burns calories, increases balance, coordination and endurance, helps improve concentration and encourages the development of teamwork. Overall, basketball is an economical sport that only requires a basketball, hoop and athletic shoes.

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Why is basketball the most predictable sport?

Many of you will be surprised, but in comparison to other disciplines, we consider basketball to be quite a predictable sport. There are several strong arguments for this thesis. First of all, most basketball bets are two-way bets, not regular three-way like in other sports. Our chances increase from 33\% up to 50\% because of this.

Why is the game of basketball so popular?

The Reason why Basketball is so popular. That is due to the many changes in how the game is played, delivered, and enjoyed by fans. The internet allows an unprecedented amount of access that previous to the internet age couldn’t have been achieved. The amount of information available at any one time to anyone looking for it brings the sport into a whole new light.

Why do guys like to play basketball?

Basketball is a wonderful mixture of finesse and strength, style and substance, offense, offense, offense, and defense. People like basketball for so many different reasons. Here is a list of my top reasons for why people like basketball. Grace and power in the air – No athletes in any sport fly with the power and grace of basketball players.