What breed of dogs do not smell or shed?

What breed of dogs do not smell or shed?

The hypoallergenic Bichon Frise is one of the world’s great personality dogs, and a great choice for those who prefer a small dog that doesn’t shed much or have a strong smell. That said, no dog is 100 percent hypoallergenic but the possibility of getting allergies with these type of dogs is quite low.

Are cocker spaniels smelly?

Just like any other dog, cocker spaniels will smell sometimes, but that doesn’t make them any less cute. By making diet changes, consulting your veterinarian, and keeping your dog’s fur clean, it won’t be long before you love how your cocker spaniel smells.

Are there any small dogs that don’t shed?

Other Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed. The Terrier group is full of small dogs that don’t shed or shed minimally. Wiry- and coarse-haired Terriers shed less than other breeds, making Terriers ideal small dogs for people who don’t enjoy excessive shedding.

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What kind of dog can live in a small apartment?

One of the favorite middle-sized terriers that have no trouble living in small apartment spaces is the West Highland white terrier. Westies are common apartment pets for more than one reason: They are wire coated and they shed very little. They are also gorgeous, intelligent, and affectionate, and, get this – they do not smell.

What breed of dog does not smell?

Here’s a list of dog breeds that don’t smell: 1 Poodles. 2 Schnauzers. 3 Whippet. 4 Basenji. 5 Dachshund. 6 Labradoodle. 7 Lagotto Romagnolo. 8 Bichon Frise. 9 Bearded Collie. 10 Kerry Blue Terrier.

Are Maltese good indoor dogs for apartments?

Much like the Yorkshire terrier, the Maltese is a very common indoor and small apartment pet breed, for all the same reasons. This small dog breed is designed to coexist closely with humans, hardly ever leaving their presence. Therefore, most of the small lap dog breeds don’t smell or shed much, since humans never enjoyed those features much.