What calculus do you need for quantum physics?

What calculus do you need for quantum physics?

To be a working quantum physicist, you will need a working knowledge of all of calculus; PDE’s(partial differential equations) and ODE’s(ordinary differential equations); and linear algebra.

Can you learn calculus without quantum?

Even if you want to learn quantum physics at only a conceptual level, like I have, it is desirable to have some understanding of calculus. It may not be essential, but it very much helps. You will need these skills for calculus. You don’t need much geometry but you do need trigonometry and algebra.

Where can I learn calculus?

Learning Calculus.

  • Paul’s online math notes–an interactive website (free).
  • Khan Academy–short video lectures (free).
  • MIT online lectures–actual course lectures in video format (free).
  • How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide, by Colin Adams, Abigail Thompson, and Joel Hass ($18.29 from Amazon.com).
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What does H stand for in calculus?

Quantum calculus, sometimes called calculus without limits, is equivalent to traditional infinitesimal calculus without the notion of limits. It defines “q-calculus” and “h-calculus”, where h ostensibly stands for Planck’s constant while q stands for quantum. The two parameters are related by the formula.

What is the squiggly line in calculus?

It is the symbol for the Integral; it is a stylized ‘S’ because the concept of the integral is a related to the Sum, which starts with S. (the mathematical symbol for Sum is a capital sigma, ∑ — which is S in the traditional Grek alphabet from which mathematics borrows so many symbols.)

What background in physics do I need to learn quantum mechanics?

What is your current baqckground, and 2. What is your purpose in learning quantum mechanics. The background in physics that you need is classical mechanics, of course. This is minimum.

Where can I find the math in quantum mechanics?

Try Schaum’s Outlines: Quantum Mechanics, ISBN 0-07-054018-7. You’ll see the math there, but you’ll need to do the deep background studies on all the math from Chapter 2. Good question.

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Is quantum mechanics just understanding quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is not “just” understanding, it’s about BREAKING all your concepts, it will destroy every notion you have up to this moment. With this said, I recommend you this college-like path:

How can I learn quantum mechanics as a guest student?

After all if you think that you are not satisfied that means that you really want to learn quantum mechanics. In this case if there is no hope for you to attent a undergraduate quantum mechanics course as a guest student then find an online course (there are many on youtube) and just ignore the parts that are mathematically to heavy.