Tips and tricks

What can I do for 10 minutes?

What can I do for 10 minutes?

50 Things You Can Accomplish in 10 Minutes or Less

  1. Unload the dishwasher.
  2. Fold one load of laundry.
  3. Put away one load of folded laundry.
  4. Vacuum our main living area.
  5. Pick up the mudroom.
  6. Clear off/declutter your desk.
  7. Organize a child’s school papers.
  8. Call and make an appointment.

How can I waste time?

  1. Take selfies of yourself using Snapchat filters.
  2. Stare at yourself in the mirror.
  3. Visit
  4. Think about doing something productive, then don’t do it.
  5. Stare at the ceiling.
  6. Watch and comment on the weather.
  7. Make a list of everything you are going to do once free.
  8. Play Chrome’s hidden dinosaur game.

What can I do in 12 minutes?

12 Things You Can Do In 10-12 Minutes

  • Go on a walk.
  • Make yourself breakfast.
  • Call a friend or loved one.
  • Read a chapter in a book.
  • Do something creative.
  • Listen to a guided meditation on Youtube.
  • Write a thank-you note.
  • Take a power nap.
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What can I do to not waste time?

7 Ways to Stop Wasting Time and Become More Productive

  1. Recognize instances when you delay or postpone your own tasks on purpose.
  2. Create a schedule.
  3. Create personal goals and deadlines.
  4. Take things slower.
  5. Take action as you go.
  6. Put away all distractions.
  7. Step outside.

How can I waste 20 minutes at work?

42 Great Ways To Waste Time At Work

  1. Print long documents.
  2. “Organize” your desk while you’re supposed to be working.
  3. Listen to other cities’ sports radio programs.
  4. Oh, I’m on the phone with my bank.” -Ultimate Forcefield.
  5. Search through the online company directory…for no one in particular.